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Alexander Milinkevich applies Homel oblast court and prosecutor’s office

2009 2009-06-30T18:04:46+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The leader of the For Freedom movement Alexander Milinkevich has addressed the head of Homel oblast court Liudmila Mikhalkova and the prosecutor of Homel oblast Valiantsin Shayeu. In his address he states that the founder of human rights educational association For Freedom Uladzimir Katsora has been several times sentenced to administrative arrest for far-fetched reasons.

On 25 June Mr. Katsora declared a dry hunger-strike of protest, which presented a considerable threat to his health and life.

That’s why Mr. Milinkevich asks to urgently check up the legality and validity of the reports against Katsora, composed by officers of Tsentralny district police department of Homel, and of the verdict of Tsentralny district court of Homel on 25 June 2009.

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