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Non-state editions are trying return to the state distribution net

2009 2009-06-10T19:45:42+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

A number of regional non-state newspapers again addressed BelPoshta (Belarusian Post, the state monopolist on distribution of press by subscription) and Belsayuzdruk (the state monopolist on retail of press from newsstands). They hope to get positive answers because of the recent sitting of the civil coordinative council of mass media.

On 4 June the Publishing House Intex-Press Ltd., the founder and publisher of Baranavichy newspaper Intex-press submitted a letter to Brestablsayuzdruk enterprise with the request to conclude agreement for retail of the newspaper through the newsstands in Baranavichy, Baranavichy district and Liakhavichy. The same day the request to include the newspaper into the subscription catalog was submitted to Brest branch of Belposhta.

On 5 June the editor of the regional newspaper Niasvizhski Chas addressed the administration of Niasvizh department of Minablsayuzdruk with the proposal to resume the sale of Niasvizhki Chas at the newsstands.

Besidesm IntexPress-Region that also issues the newspaper Hantsavitski Chas, addressed the head of Hantsavichy district executive committee Uladzimir Staliarou with the request for accreditation of the journalists Iryna Damaratskaya and Piatro Huzayeuski at the executive committee.

Accreditation will let us more quickly receive information about the region’s life and the issues its administration is working at,’ explains the director of IntexPress-Region Ales Bely in the letter to the head of Krychau DEC.

At the second sitting the civil coordinative council on mass media considered the issue of returning of a number of printed media to the state distribution net (the discussion was initiated by the head of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Zhana Litvina). As a result members of the board decided to recommend the heads of Belposhta, Belsayuzdruk and the editorial boards that had problems with distribution to discuss the possibility of cooperation.

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