Youth activists stopped hunger strike
Participants of hunger strike of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka stopped the strike.
This decision was reached on May 15, after Belarusian politicians – one of the leaders of the unregistered Belarusian Christian Democracy party Paval Sevyarynets, head of the BPF partyLyavon Barshcheuski, leader of the “For Freedom” movement Alyaksandr Milinkevich, as well as Mikalai Statkevich, and Vyachaslau Siuchyk – addressed them.
According to latest information, 32 people were taking part in hunger strike. On May 15, five of them were striking in the BPF headquarters in Minsk.
The politicians said at a press conference in the BPF headquarters on May 15 the main aim of the hunger strike of solidarity with Vaukavysk businessmen was drawing attention to their destiny and it was fulfilled. The noted that world community now watches the destiny of Autukhovich, Lyavonau, and Asipenka. The oppositionists promised to use all political, international and other opportunities to help to release the political prisoners as soon as possible.
It should be reminded that entrepreneurs Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka were arrested in Vaukavysk in February on suspicion of arson of a local militiaman’s house. However, another person was punished for this crime.
Mikalai Autukhovich went on hunger strike on April 16 demanding to send his case to court. He says he is being persecuted on political motives. Relatives of the arrested think the investigative agencies have no proofs and so they are buying time to fabricate the case. Mikalai Autukhovich and Yury Lyavonau were sentenced to prison terms before, and were recognized prisoners of conscience.
On May 4, Belarusian political and public activists went on indefinite hunger strike in solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich. Among them are former political prisoners Alyaksandr Kazulin, Andrei Kim, Enira Braniskaya, Alyaksandr Barazenka, Alyaksandr Barazenka, Artsyom Dubski, “Young Front” activists Nasta Palazhanka, Mikalai Dzyamidzenka, Kasya Salauyova, activist of the civil initiative “European Belarus” Aleh Myatselitsa and Uladzislau Barodka, activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Leanid Skarabahaty and Iryna Hubskaya, Belarusian students in Poland, participants of Kalinouski education program, and others. For 12 days of hunger strike more than 30 people took part in it.