Supreme Court turns down lawsuit of ‘Horizontal’ NGO against Ministry of Justice
A founder of the organization Valer Ukhnaliou said to the BelaPAN that on 11 March the Supreme Court of Belarus turned down the lawsuit of the social-patriotic civil association (SPCA) Horizontal against the refusal of the Ministry of Justice to register it.
Bear in mind that on 9 December the Supreme Court ruled to conduct a graphological expertise of the signatures of founders of Horizontal. One of the signatures was found invalid. As a result the Supreme Court considered that non ten, but nine citizens of one of Belarus’ oblasts were present at the constituent assembly, that’s why the organization could not pretend on the status of republican NGO.
Valer Ukhnaliou says that the organization activists will continue their attempts to get the official registration and have already held the third constituent assembly for it. Among the activists of Haryzantal there are the members of the Party of Communists Belarusian Siarhei Kaliakin, Aliaksei Yeliseyeu, Alena Skryhan, Valer Ukhnaliou and Siarhei Vazniak, the trade union activist Alexander Bukhvostau and others.