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Minsk: activity of electors ‘suddenly decreases’ on the last day of early voting

2008 2008-09-28T12:48:35+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The last day of early voting, 27 September, was defined by a much lower turnout in comparison to the other four days. Thus, now the opinion that the last Friday was chosen the culmination day for the electoral farce, is supported by facts.

Today the head of the Central electoral commission L.Yarmoshyna bravely forecasts 80% turnout at the elections, and her confidence becomes quite understandable if we analyze the numbers for the first four days of early voting.

Let us refer to the precincts of Kolasauskaya electoral constituency #106. The observers of the electoral headquarters of S.Kaliakin (the Communist Party Belarusian) received the following numbers from some of the precinct commissions:

Precinct #524: 23 September – 700 out of 1990 electors voted,
                        25 September – 1463 more persons voted;
precinct #528: 23 September – 730 out of 1900 electors voted,
                        25 September – 1091 voted;
precinct #525: 24 September – 931 out of 1134 voted,
                        26 September – 1055 voted;
precinct #526: 26 September – 1140 out of 1234 voted.

Such ‘active’ precincts can be found in any electoral constituency. Members of some precinct commissions say that the reason is that state officials, firemen, policemen or border guards live on the territory of these precincts and they were ordered to ‘vote in term’ and, as we see, this term seems to have ended on 26 September, because on 27 September only several tens of voters came to the precincts.

According to observers, on 27 September the seals on the ballot boxes were changed. We received such information from Chkalauskaya electoral constituency #96 and from Staravilenskaya electoral constituency #105.

Members of precinct electoral commissions still conceal information about the total number of voters and the number of those who voted early. At other constituencies the commissions work openly, but the reason is clear – only pro-governmental candidates are running there.

Human rights activists for free elections          

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