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Mahiliou: eviction from hostels for refusal to vote early

2008 2008-09-28T12:27:40+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The commandant of the hostel of Khimvalakno enterprise in Shmidt Street 5a did not let in the citizens who did not vote early. According to their information, the commandant Haurulenka was standing at the check-point and directed those who had not voted to the polling stations.

Uladzimir Krauchanka, director of Mahiliou human rights center, decided to check this fact that phoned to the check-point of the hostel. The janitor answered the phone and confirmed the information. Now Mr. Krauchanka is preparing a complaint to the procuracy. He will demand that a criminal case be brought against Haurylenka, and the investigation of the fact how he got the information who had voted and who had not.

Besides, the head of housing economy #11 met with the commandant of a neighboring hostel in Shmidt Street. She also ordered her to provide early voting of all dwellers of the hostel and complained that at other precincts the percent of early votes was much higher than in this precinct.
Students of hostel #3 of Mahiliou State University are ordered to vote early for fear of eviction from dormitories. The students complain that they are literally ‘herded’ to polling stations. Besides, the seniors of student groups were ordered to compose the lists of those who voted and who did not do it, and then pass these lists to the deans’ offices after the elections.

Human rights activists for free elections

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