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Anatol Liabedzka: “Unfortunately, prosecutors and taxation bodies are not interested in illegal arms supplies”

2008 2008-07-30T11:58:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Head of the United Civil Party has faced a wave of the third check of taxing authorities.

Leader of the United Civil Party was told on the phone the activity of the Belarusian Euro-Atlantic Association, headed by Anatol Liabedzka long time ago, would be checked soon. Then inspector Yauheniya Paltavets visited the party office. She had an order for carrying out a field tax inspection. The order was signed by deputy head of Minsk inspection A. Ramashevich.

Liabedzka was asked to show the cash book, consignment notes, analytical records bills, customs freight declarations, licenses and other documents. According to the politician, he had an impression as if they were checking not a non-governmental organization, but Minsk Tractor Plant. The order says to check the activity of the organization for 1997–2008.

“It looks as if I became a victim of a joke,” the UCP leader said. “The Belarusian Euro-Atlantic Association, founded by Anatol Maisenia, was closed down by the Ministry of Justice 9 or 10 years ago. However, the organization which was destroyed last century, still exists for the taxation bodies. It is a combination of absurd and unprofessionalism.”

This is the third tax check for Anatol Liabedzka over the last two weeks. “Naturally, it is connected with the started electoral campaign,” he thinks. “I have no objections to threefold or tenfold control. Unfortunately, prosecutors and taxation bodies are not interested in illegal arms supplies.

It would be more useful for the country and its budget.”

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