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Police look for explosives in the house of Vasil Staravoitau’s relatives

2008 2008-07-16T10:54:35+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The police visited the house of Tatsiana Zhalabayeva several times. Tatsiana is the daughter of Vasil Staravoitau, former chairman of Rassvet collective farm, and Hero of Socialist Labour.


“They came 8 times this week, and were asking questions about my husband Siarhei, who had earlier been convicted for illegal possession of arms. They asked were he was on July 3rd and 4th and if he was hiding any weapons or explosives”, Tastiana said.


According to Tatsiana, after the last conversation with the police officers Zhalabaye left for Russia to visit his parents. “I see that I will never have a life here”, -- he said at parting.


Vasil Staravoitau was tried in 1998. His daughter Tatsiana and her husband were convicted together with the former chairman of Rassvet.


“Our family, once very close, is now separated. We all live by ourselves, it is very hard. I don’t even have a job. I’ve been unemployed for three years”, Tatsiana told RFE/RL.


The police did not visit her father’s house in conjunction with the explosion.   




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