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Vandals Break 34 Crosses in Kurapaty Mass Grave

2008 2008-03-13T17:48:19+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Kurapaty is a place where many innocent people were shot and buried during Stalin’s rule. The Belarusian officials still deny this fact and state that these people were murdered by the Nazis during the World War II. Several years ago they wanted to destroy the mass grave by expanding the ring road to its territory. These plans failed due to a strong civil resistance.

The unidentified persons who regularly commit acts of vandalism on the territory of Kurapaty forests remain unpunished and seem to enjoy a silent support from the power structures.

An activist of the Conservative Christian party Belarusian Popular Front Valery Buival said about the latest incident: ‘Our activists noticed that yesterday when they passed near the ring road. They also saw several police cars near the forested area.’ Mr. Buival believes that this action of vandalism is connected with the upcoming national holiday, Freedom Day, celebrated on 25 March. ‘Every year before this date acts of vandalism take place in Kurapaty. It is worth mentioning that none of the culprits was found over the whole history of the mass grave site of Kurapaty,’ he said.

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