Election: Most of Democratic Candidates Not Registered in Homel
Source: www.charter97.org
Homel city election commission has registered only one forth of democratic activists who were nominated as candidates for deputies of the city soviet. Among them were two members of the United Civil Party, one member of the Belarusian People’s Front party, one from the Conservative Christian party - Belarusian People’s front, and one from the Party of Communists of Belarus. A representative of the PCB hasn’t withdrawn her candidature just as an experiment as the BelaPAN has been informed by a regional headquarters of the united democratic forces.
The city election commission has refused to register other candidates for deputies because of allegedly untrue information in declarations and personal forms, and a great number of detected false signatures of voters.
More than 20 democratic activists have been nominated as candidates through collection of signatures, not including members of the PCB, who had withdrawn from the race before the registration.
The city election commission has refused to provide detailed information on the results of registration of candidates to the BelaPAN correspondent. The head of the commission, the first deputy chairman of the city executive committee Mikalai Usau stated that all reports about registration would be published in the newspaper Gomelskie vedomosti on 16 December.