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Initiative Group of UCP Member Tatsiana Zialko Not Registered

2006 2006-11-13T10:00:00+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

According to the UCP press-service

The circuit election commission of Partyzanski borough of Minsk refused to register the initiative group of Tatsiana Zialko, a member of the United Civil Party. To explain their decision the commission members referred to a mistake in the filed documents – the list of proxies contained 11 persons instead of 10 legally allowed.

‘In any civilized country such a mistake couldn’t serve as a reason for the refusal to register an initiative group, because in democratic society elections are considered as an expression of the people’s will. In our country a distinctive feature of all electoral campaigns is that the state tries to get rid of undesirable candidates. As a result, participation of a person, whose candidacy hasn’t been confirmed by the high authorities, is an anti-state action,’ said the chair of the executive committee of the United Civil Party Siarhei Alfer.

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