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Political Prisoner Disappeared

2006 2006-07-19T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

A political prisoner Ivan Kruk from Astravets (Hrodna region) has been serving sentence for 10 days already. But his family does not know still where he serves the sentence. On May 15 he was sentenced to 6 months of arrest allegedly for violence against policemen. The family is not receiving letters from police or from the prisoner.

Before the presidential elections in Astravets (Hrodna region) a search was held in the apartment of Ivan Kruk. His son was charged with robbery. Policemen came to look for masks in which the crime had been carried out allegedly. But they started to confiscate printed materials and a computer. Ivan Kruk was not against opening the system block at home. But he was against its confiscation. When policemen wanted
to carry it away, Ivan Kruk broke the system block.

Policemen of Astravets police department Tararuk and Vishneuski charged Kruk with tearing off shoulder straps of lieutenant Tararuk during the arrest, and inflicted bodily harm scratches on two fingers. A criminal action was brought up against Ivan Kruk for violation of the Article 364 of the Criminal Code  violence or threatening with violence against a policeman.

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