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On Solidarity Day in Hrodna Policemen Detained Activists

2006 2006-07-17T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

As the human rights center Viasna was informed, on July 16 in the evening a traditional protest on the Day of Solidarity was held near the Palace of Trade Unions. However, people with lit candles stood only for a little. Five activists of the United Civil Party, including the chairman of the regional structure Yury Istomin, were detained by policemen. The detained activists of the UCP were taken to the police department of Lenin district of Hrodna, where they were to provide written explanations. After that al the detainees were released.

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