Head Of Special Police Regiment Alaksej Jakimovich Demands BYR 2 Millions From Alaksandr Kazulin As Compensation For Moral Damage During Incident In National Press-Center On February 17
As Interfax correspondent reports, Alaksej Jakimovich, head of riot police regiment, who figures in criminal trial over Kazulin as suffering side, during the trial demanded to exact from Kazulin 2 millions of Belarusan rubles as compensation for moral damage in national press-center.
Jakimovich also asked the court to exact from Kazulin 100 000 BYR for torn jacket. He said that Kazulin stroke him in the face, insulted him and torn his jacket.
Kazulin, in his turn, informed the court that Jakimovich used gas, escaped from the press-center and then staged the blow in the face in order to compromise candidate for presidency. He also said that the cost of damage do not exceed 5000 rubles.
The judge reprimanded Kazulin for naming “the sufferer a criminal”. Kazulin replied naming the judge “aider” and demanded withdrawal of state accuser Sergej Bortnik.