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Zhlobin: Youth activists fined.

2006 2006-05-26T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

According to, the meeting of the Administrative Committee in Zhlobin ended in a decision of fining youth activists - I. Haurylenks and A. Stankevich. The three guys - I. Haurylenks, A. Stankevich and Eduard Zelianlou were detained on May 11 in Zhlobin.
5 or 6 people came to us and said we had to go to the police department. They havent introduced themselves but one of them is a KDB member Andrei Kolasau. We were hold for 5 hours. When we asked about the long time of our detention they said they havent drawn up the protocol yet and the detention starts after its drawing up.  A. Stankevich reports. (According to the law the detention time starts with the moment of detention).
The guys were accused according to two articles of the Administrative Violations Code  Posting up the advertisements in the places not appropriate. The accusation is based on the policemen reports that the boys were posting up the stickers.

The commission has while investigated the cases of I. Haurylenka and A. Stankevich  spreading of illegal information. They were fined for 62 000 rubles each. E. Zeliankou claimed an attorney and his case is postponed until June 5.

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