Pinsk: Massive Detentions of Activists of Electoral Headquarters of Milinkevich and Kazulin
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
On 15 March in Pinsk the police detained the activist of Kazulin’s headquarters Uladzimir Zenko and the activist of Milinkevich’s headquarters Mr Badzevich. The latter was detained at work. Siarhei Kastsiukovich, Viktar Iarashuk (journalist of Kazulin’s headquarters) came to Pinsk City Board of Internal Affairs to ask why their comrade Zenko was detained and… were detained as well. The activist Pavel Liakhnovich was detained at home.
The fate of the detainees remains unknown: their mobiles are turned off and the chair of Pinsk CBIA Anatol Iakhnavets refuses to give any explanations.