Eduard Brokarau, independent journalist from Horki, staged an action of protest against the disappearance of the Narodnaia volia newspaper from the "Sayuzdruk” distribution kiosks
Taking advantages of the so-called “Proposal Books” available at the organizations and companies, the journalist Eduar Brokarau, acting as an ordinary buyer of newspapers, left complaints about the non-availability of the newspaper Narodnaia volia in the Saiuzdruk kiosks in Horka, in Vorsha nearby and the regional center. Soon after that the complainer received an official response from Vorsha signed by the head of the district subsidiary of Sauizdruk Aliaxandr Kokhau on 9 November. The response says that the company headed by Mr. Kokhau is a “structural division of the Republican enterprise “Sauizdruk” and it is this central company that has the right to make contracts for selling products in their outlets”. E.Brokarau was not happy with such a response because each of the Saiuzdruk subsidiaries has the status of a legal entity and enjoys full economic independence.
At the same time, almost all of the kiosks where E.Brokarau had asked for the newspaper said that the Narodnaia volia had been shut down for "its opposition to the authorities". The journalist awaits official responses from the Saiuzdruk divisions in Mahilou and Horki, following which he will decide on the further steps in his private action, reported the BAJ press service.