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Representatives of the National Minorities and Religious Confessions Who Signed a Petition to Lukashenka in Defense of Anzhalika Borys Face Problems

2005 2005-10-05T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The petition in defense of Anzhalika Borys was signed by 8 persons. The signers who represent German, Tartar, Gypsy and Polish national minorities of Belarus demand to stop interference of the state with internal affairs of public associations and establish a dialogue with their representatives.

Two months have already passed since the petition was signed, but there’s still no reaction from A. Lukashenka’s administration. Instead, the State committee on religious and national affairs empowered procurator’s office to hold a check-up on the petition. At present Paviel Ielisieieu, chair f the department of law execution monitoring summons the signers and checks their belonging to the national minorities.

Aliaksandr Zialko, executive secretary of Zgoda initiative believes that the only aim of the procurator’s office is to intimidate the people.
-- Pitifully enough, we still have no answer from Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s administration. Instead of initiation of a real dialogue and management of the conflict, Minsk City Procurator’s Office started summonsing those who signed the petition in order to find out whether they really represent national minorities. It is quite strange, because national minorities are neither parties nor public organizations. The aim of such summons is to intimidate people so that they would not manifest their public activity. It all creates psychological tension, -- he said.

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