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Babruysk Activist of United Civil Party Was Fired

2005 2005-01-21T10:00:00+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The administration of Babuysk Center of Social Service refused to prolong the contract to the leader of Babrusyk Pershamayski borough organization of United Civil Party Iryna Kachan. In 2004 the center was transferred to the contract system of employment.

When the term of the contract ended, Iryna was fired from her work. She has no doubt it was a consequence of her oppositional activity -- the administration of the center threatened to fire hear during the parliamentary election.

Iryna participated in the election as a candidate to the parliament. Her colleagues joined the initiative group and collected signatures for her. However, the center prohibited to them to take the signature lists to the election commission, threatening not to prolong the working contracts to them.

Nevertheless, the head of the Center of Social Service said to the correspondent of Babruyski Kuryer that the dismissal of Iryna Kachan had nothing to do with politics:

-- It is not because of her political views. I’d rather say she didn’t satisfy me as a specialist.

Iryna Kachan says that though being unemployed is very unpleasant, but she doesn’t lose optimism and won’t subdue to the official pressurization.

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