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Hrodna Authorities Evict Public Organizations without Giving Any Substitutes

2005 2005-01-19T10:00:00+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”


The head of the housing exploitation service of Hrodna Anatol Litvin demands from four public organizations, including BPF “Adradzhenne” and historical and cultural club “Pahonia” to leave the premises in Karl Marx street, 11 because of the emergency state of the building and also informs that the housing services have no free rooms for lending to these organizations.

Members of the organizations are astonished with such situation. They also say that a shop of building materials is situated in the same building and it is not demanded from it to leave the building, but only recommended to repair the roof and ceilings. It’s worth mentioning that the organizations can cease to exist if they lose their juridical addresses as a result of the eviction.

The head of the local branch of BPF Mikola Voran says:

-- To my mind, it has nothing to do with the emergency state of the building, but we won’t sit on our hands. We have already applied to the head of the housing exploitation service of Hrodna, Mr. Litvin, with the request to explain the reasons for breaking the rent agreement. To his answer he attached the reference note about the impossibility to continue the exploitation of the house. Today I wrote a letter to the head of Hrodna City Executive Committee, Mr. Antonenka, with the request to lend us a new office. We act according to the statute and the laws of the Republic of Belarus.

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