The chairperson of city electoral commission in Vorsha hides information about the amount of people who already voted even from the members of other commission.
Aliaksandar Shutau is a member of Vorsha city electoral commission for the Referendum. On October 13 and 14 he appealed to the chairperson of the commission, Kazlow, with a request to give him information about the amount of people voted in advance. The chairperson roughly refused no matter that CEC obliged him to do that after the complaint of ALiaksandar Shutaw.
The Chairperson of the Vorsha city electoral commission assumed the right to personally limit the amount of observers at every district. He sent an order to the electoral districts to limit the amount of observers with 3-4-5 people. CEC also reacted to this violation of the law by the electoral commission chairperson and obliged him abolish the limitation but Kazlow ignored this demand too. It seems that his order was approved by other authoritative people.
Aliaksandar Shutaw demands to call Kazlow to an account for systematic violation of electoral law and move him from his position of a chairperson of the regional electoral commission.