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Valery Shchukin Detained for Leaflets against Early Voting

2004 2004-09-24T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The prominent opposition member and human rights activist distributed leaflets calling citizens not to vote early in Vitebsk. According to Valery Shchukin, he spent his own money to print 290 copies of leaflets.
Police officers took him to Pershamaiski police station and reported violation of public order, accusing the opposition member of illegal distribution of unregistered press.
Pershamaiski commission for administrative offences will examine the incident. Mr. Shchukin still does not know the date of the hearing. The police attached 137 leaflets to the report as “material evidence”.
Valery Shchukin believes that the police officers paid their attention to the text on the leaflets. He thinks they decided to use any means to stop him from spreading the information. The leaflets spoke about possible fraud during the early voting and about active campaign in favor of certain candidates carried out by Vitebsk authorities, reports RFE/RL.

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