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Unknown Persons Smear Office of Belarusian People’s Front

2004 2004-08-02T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

At night between 1 and 2 August unknown persons stained the entrance door and the window of the office of Belarusian People’s Front Party with red paint. They also left a drawing of hammer and sickle, inscription “Hands off Our Father!” and abbreviation “AKM” under it.

Minsk Savetski Borough Board of Internal Affairs holds a check-up of this incident. The BPF leaders are of the opinion that it was done by some teenagers, influenced by anti-oppositional propaganda in state mass media.

Vice-head of the BPF Viktar Ivashkevich said to RFE/RL:
-- I don’t think there was an officer of secret services to order someone spilling paint on the door and the window. I think that it is a result of childish hysteria that spreads in the society. A part of young people is exposed to it and makes such things. It’s naturally that there have always been people with different views in our country, but the ideological hysteria pushes unwise youth. To my mind, in this case it could be school-goers.

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