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“COME TO YOUR SENSES, FELLOW COUNTRYMEN FROM THE MINISTRY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Display your civic courage and revoke the suit! Do a brave deed!”, -- Valery Shchukin, human rights defender, honorable member of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", appeals to the Justice Ministry officials.

2003 2003-09-29T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Ministry of Justice
Republic of Belarus
Minsk, Kalektarnaya 10
Fax +375 17 220 9684

Through the fault of the present state authorities Belarus became a pariah on the European continent. Our neighbors in the house of Europe will have nothing to do with the head of the Belarusian state.
The international community rejects our country because of human rights violations, and above all, violation of citizens rights to create and participate in non-governmental organizations.
The Justice Ministry is also guilty of Belarus’ international isolation. It does not object to the authorities’ policy to refuse registration, and liquidate non-governmental and religious organizations, which fell into disfavor.
I learned with a heavy heart about the Ministry’s suit against Human Rights Center "Viasna". Again the Ministry of “justice” intends to close down an NGO which acted only in the frames of the Constitution and made no crime, as I see from the suit.
Come to your senses, fellow countrymen from the Ministry, what are you doing? “Viasna’ defended the election rights of the Belarusian citizens and you take it to court as a criminal!
Display your civic courage and revoke the suit!
If you lack the courage to oppose the illegal acts of the authorities, do resign!
I know this is not easy to do. I know it from my personal 28-year term of state service.
Do a brave deed!
Then in the future you won’t have to drop your eyes answering questions of your children and grandchildren: “Why did you violate human rights?”

Valery Shchukin,
Human rights defender
Honorable member of the Human Rights Center "Viasna"
Polatsak, Tel +375 29 655 3917
28 September 2003

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