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"Belarusian authorities target group of the individuals perceived as disloyal." Viasna lawyer speaks at the OSCE conference

2024 2024-10-11T15:35:17+0300 2024-10-11T15:35:17+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The lawyer from Human Rights Center Viasna, Sviatlana Halauniova, spoke at the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in the session dedicated to the OSCE Moscow Mechanism (Mobilizing the OSCE Moscow Mechanism to Investigate Cases of Forced Displacement of Belarusians and Their Persecution Abroad).

Sviatlana Halauniova

Since May 2020 and to this day, the Belarusian authorities continue to systematically target and persecute individuals perceived as disloyal, both in Belarus and beyond its borders, Sviatlana Halauniova noted.

"This especially includes judicial harassment, including fabricated criminal charges and trials in absentia conducted against those in exile, home searches and the seizure of property, individual threats, and the intimidation of family members who remained in Belarus.

Additionally, restrictive legislation was imposed, along with heavy-handed measures designed to severely restrict the rights of those who left Belarus and instill fear in them to prevent them from speaking out against the government."

This persecutory campaign has further intensified in 2023 and 2024, with the development and use of a wide range of measures and practices for the gross violation and deprivation of fundamental rights of persons perceived by the Belarusian authorities as disloyal and who fled from such persecution abroad.

"Belarusian authorities specifically target group of those individuals perceived as disloyal.This group comprises persons from diverse backgrounds, including age, gender, profession, and social standing," said Sviatlana Halauniova.

As the lawyer noted, Human Rights Center Viasna has documented the following patterns of persecution of Belarusians abroad:

1. Hate speech, intimidation and threats.

2. Intimidation of families (especially families of those who fled). Home search with purpose to frighten, criminal prosecution of relatives. As an example, we can cite the story of Iryna Takarchuk, the mother of political prisoner Volha Takarchuk, who left the country. Iryna is imprisoned for receiving humanitarian aid.

3. Wide means of judicial harassment against Belarusians forcibly displaced from Belarus.

They include politically motivated criminal prosecution for exercising political rights outside Belarus.

"Here is a big role of vague and overly broad anti-terrorist and anti-extremist legislation. As an example I can name well-known case of Coordinating Council (against 257 people in exile)," the lawyer noted.

Also, in absentia trials and the so-called "special procedure'.

This mechanism is created specifically for the purpose of political persecution agnst those who were forced to flee Belarus. At least 89 individuals are targeted and 28 individuals already ruled to be imprisoned.

Additionally, searches, arrest and confiscation of property

4. Deprivation of public services

Specifically, deprivation of right to get or renew passports and get a power of attorney.

"In this context we consider that any available accountability mechanisms would be highly appreciated. Particularly OSCE Moscow Mechanism," concluded Sviatlana Halauniova.

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