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New godparents for political prisoners in Belarus from England and Germany

2024 2024-10-09T11:21:57+0300 2024-10-09T11:23:17+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

As part of #WeStandBYyou campaign, Lord Simon Russell (House of Lords, Independent, England), Kevin Kühnert (Social Democratic Party of Germany) and Lord Leslie Griffiths (House of Lords, Labour Party, England) are taking on a godparenthood for Alena and Siarhei Maushuk, Volha Brytsikava and Mikhail Lapunou.

Lord Simon Russell of Liverpool

Alena and Siarhei Maushuk were arrested in connection with the protests in 2020 and charged with alleged “participation in riots” (Article 293). Alena was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment and her husband Siarhei to 6.5 years. Alena reported physical and psychological abuse in detention and suffers from depression. The couple have three minor children, whose parental rights have been taken away from Alena.

Lord Simon Russell of Liverpool is a crossbencher in the House of Lords. With his second godparenthood, he stands in solidarity with Alena and Siarhei Maushuk and explains: “I am proud and humbled to be a godparent to Siarhei and Alena Maushuk and my thoughts are with them and their three children. I and other political colleagues will do all that we can to raise awareness of their plight and to remind the world that demonstrating peaceably against a totalitarian regime is not a crime but a fundamental human right.”

Kevin Kühnert

Volha Brytsikava was the leader of the independent trade union Naftan and was involved in organising strikes in 2020. Between 2020 and 2022, Volha spent several months in prison, including for opposing the war in Ukraine on social media. On 11 August 2023, she was arrested again and sentenced to a total of 6 years in prison for “harming national security” (Article 361), “promoting extremist activities” (Article 361-4) and “inciting to hatred” (Article 130).

Kevin Kühnert is a member of the German Bundestag for the SPD and is already taking on his third godparenthood. As Volha Brytsikava’s godparent, he expresses his support with the following statement: “‘The Belarusian regime continuously violates the basic human rights of its citizens. It was precisely these basic human rights that Volha Brytsikava exercised when she campaigned for freedom of association and better working conditions for her colleagues. The Belarusian regime responded with repression and imprisonment. By denying basic freedoms, the Lukashenka system exposes itself as an authoritarian regime without the support of its own citizens and without any legitimacy. I call on the Belarusian authorities to immediately release Volha Brytsikava and all political prisoners! The SPD stands with the independent Belarusian trade unions and all Belarusians who stand up for freedom, human rights and democracy. Injustice and oppression are not permanent, Belarus will be free one day. Until then, I and many others will closely monitor the political situation in the country and the way the democratic and trade union opposition is treated. No political prisoner is forgotten.”

Lord Leslie Griffiths of Burry Port

Mikhail Lapunou is the father of political prisoner Mikita Zalatarou, who was a minor when he was arrested in 2020. Mikhail stood up for his son and on 8 August 2023 was given an administrative sentence for his activities, which was subsequently extended several times. Finally, the court sentenced Mikhail to imprisonment for “creating or participating in an extremist formation” (Article 361-1) and “promoting extremist activities” (Article 361-4) (the length of the sentence is unknown).

Lord Leslie Griffiths of Burry Port is a Labour member in the House of Lords and has been Mikita Zalatarou‘s godparent since 2021. He is now also a godfather to Mikita’s father, Mikhail Lapunou, and states: “I’m a father, I have sons, I live in a country that gives all of us the freedom to associate and to speak. That’s what I earnestly want for Mikhail and Mikita. It is truly horrible to think that seeking justice for his son is considered to be a crime.”

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