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"Like thousands of innocent Belarusians, Ales does not belong in prison": the world congratulates Ales Bialiatski on his birthday

2024 2024-09-27T13:10:43+0300 2024-09-27T13:31:55+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The world joined the congratulations of the imprisoned head of Human Rights Center Viasna and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski. On his birthday, various international and Belarusian organizations, public activists, politicians, and journalists joined the congratulations. At the same time, they demanded the immediate release of all political prisoners in Belarus. We publish some of their statements.

A petition with more than 80 thousand signatures

On September 25, Libereco and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) held a protest rally in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Brussels. They once again demanded the release of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and the founder of the Belarusian Human Rights Center Viasna. At the demonstration, MEPs Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmerman, Thijs Reuten, and Michał Kobosko, as well as Bialiatski's colleague and former political prisoner Leanid Sudalenka, recalled the fate of Bialiatski and of more than 1,300 political prisoners in Belarus.

"Their situation remains bleak. They are are facing extremely harsh conditions in detention, and many of them are denied contact with relatives or lawyers," Strack-Zimmerman said. She became a godparent for Bialiatski as part of the Libereco solidarity campaign #WeStandBYyou.

The embassy in Brussels did not respond to repeated requests. The politician brought a petition initiated by Libereco with more than 82,000 signatures from 82 different countries and a personal letter to the embassy door. The petition calls on the Belarusian regime to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners.

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya on the birthday of Ales Bialiatski

The democratic leader of Belarus congratulated Ales Bialiatski:

"Human rights activist, chairman of Viasna, and Nobel laureate Ales Bialiatski celebrates his birthday today. The regime threw him behind bars only because Bialiatski wrote the truth, documented the persecution, and helped those affected. Thanks to his work, the world knew the truth about the state of things in the country. 

Even during our personal — albeit very short — acquaintance, I felt his boundless love for Belarus. A love that seemed to inspire everyone Ales met along the way. He was able to support me, too, when it was so necessary. And although I got to know Ales better through the stories of his colleagues and people who had the honor to know him well, I am sure there will definitely come a moment when we will meet again. 

You know, even after his first imprisonment, Ales said:

 "The thousands of letters I received while I was in prison built a strong moral defense around me. This is what supported me and reminded me that I am there for a reason, that my struggle for human rights continues."

My dear ones! Support our political prisoners. Help your family and write letters to prisons. And it doesn't matter what your letter is about: the weather, an interesting new book, or a daily routine. Every word you say is a huge support and an opportunity to make a day in prison easier at least for a minute."

The U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

"...Ales Bialiatski has to, yet again, spend his birthday behind bars, separated from his loved ones. After imprisoning him again in 2021, the Belarusian regime sentenced Ales Bialiatski last year to 10 years in prison on false charges. Since the fraudulent 2020 election, 7-10 year sentences have become routine in Lukashenka's lexicon of repression. Their goal? Silence democratic leaders and activists while trying to project a false sense of control. Lukashenka's efforts will fail. We demand freedom for Ales Bialiatski and more than 1,400 political prisoners in Belarus."

US Helsinki Commission: "Like thousands of innocent Belarusians, Ales does not belong in prison"

Christina Johannesson, ambassador for the Eastern Partnership, representative of the Swedish government to the democratic forces of Belarus:

Human rights organisation Memorial:

"Today, Belarusian human rights defender Ales Bialiatski, turns 62. It is his fourth birthday in prison.

Ales is not only Nobel prize laureate (2022), our dear colleague and friend and brilliant human rights defender. He is also a person with human rights of his own and he deserves freedom.

In 2021, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison on fabricated charges. The Lukashenka regime is persecuting Bialiatski and his colleagues from Viasna for their human rights work. Every day of his imprisonment is a violation.

Today we want to express our solidarity and respect for Ales's courage and integrity. We wish him good health and all the strength he needs."

Human rights defenders from Human Rights Watch:

"Today is the birthday of Ales Bialiatski, founder of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre Viasna and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. This is the fourth birthday that Ales celebrates behind bars, imprisoned on politically motivated charges in retaliation for his human rights work." 

The human rights organization Amnesty Eastern Europe & Central Asia:

"Ales Bialiatski, a Belarusian human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, will spend his birthday in prison. His arrest and imprisonment are the result of unfair accusations and repression because of his struggle for human rights in Belarus. We demand the immediate release of Ales without charges.

The protection of human rights is not a crime, and it should not be punished with prison terms."

Human rights defenders from ARTICLE 19 Europe & Central Asia:

Human rights defenders from Front Line Defenders:

Human rights defenders from Right Livelihood:

World Organization Against Torture (OMCT):

Swedish Foreign Minister Maria Stenergard:

Index on Censorship organization:

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