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Statement of the founders of Doctors for Truth and Justice

2024 2024-05-15T14:01:35+0300 2024-05-15T14:01:35+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On May 3, 2024, the KGB of Belarus recognized the members of the Doctors for Truth and Justice as an extremist formation. As a result, the founders of the organization made a corresponding statement.

They note that the human rights institution Doctors for Truth and Justice is engaged in research and discussion of socially significant problems; provides platforms for public statements to experts, specialists, and citizens; organizes discussions on penitentiary health.

The penitentiary system in any state should be accessible to civilian control. The numerous evidences of violations of both national and international legislation, including the creation of inhumane conditions of detention, the use of torture, violations of protocols and rules for providing medical and psychological assistance to accused and convicted persons in Belarusian prisons require urgent investigation and immediate effective response.

The founders of the institution interpret the decision taken by KGB employees as illegal, and report on the continuation of their activities aimed at ensuring the rule of Law in the Republic of Belarus and the victory of truth and justice.

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