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Political prisoner Mikita Yemialyianau in solitary confinement for 38 days

2022 2022-02-23T18:05:38+0300 2022-02-23T18:05:38+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Mikita Yemialyianau in court. Photo:

Mikita Yemialyianau in court. Photo:

The administration of Mahilioŭ prison continues to put pressure on political prisoner Mikita Yemialyianau.

On 8 February, the relatives of political prisoner anarchist Mikita Yemialyianau sent him a parcel, which, against the family's expectations, the prison administration did not pick up for two weeks. However, it is known that local post office employees repeatedly sent messages to the prison asking officers to pick it up. As a result, according to the tracking information, the parcel was handed over only on February 23, 2022, 15 days after it was sent. Mikita's mother notes that normally parcels are collected from the post office no more than three to five days after arrival.

Until February 23, Mikita has been in solitary confinement for 38 days. This is the fifth time since August 2021 that a political prisoner has been put in a solitary cell. He served there 42 days in August–September 2021, 30 days in October–November, 13 days in December–January 2022, and finally another 38 days lately. In total, Mikita served more than five months in inhumane conditions, without bedding and daily walks.

On February 3, Mikita went on a hunger strike in protest, which he kept for 10 days. Initially, he refused to take food, as well as water, but because of his poor health, he then started drinking. It is not yet known whether Mikita continues the hunger strike, as his lawyer has not visited him yet. The last time the lawyer saw the political prisoner was on February 16. Yemialyianau's lawyer has not been in touch since February 22.

Mikita's trial began on January 27 in prison No. 4 on charges of malicious disobedience to the demands of the administration of the correctional institution for violating the internal regulations (part 2 of Art 411 of the Criminal Code). The political prisoner faces up to 2 years of imprisonment.


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