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Artsiom Bayarski’s godparent raises political prisoner’s case in Irish Parliament Video

2021 2021-11-04T17:05:05+0300 2021-11-04T17:09:08+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Cathal Berry, member of the Irish Parliament

Cathal Berry, member of the Irish Parliament

Cathal Berry, Irish MP and godparent of political prisoner Artsiom Bayarski as part of Libereco's #WeStandBYyou campaign, raised his case in the Irish parliament on November 3. This was possible because a debate was scheduled on the recent European Council meeting.

In particular, Mr Berry said:

"The third point I wish to raise is forced migration. Obviously, this is a major issue on the Belarusian border at present. I agree with the characterisation of what is happening there with refugees as the "instrumentalisation" of refugees. "Instrumentalisation" just means exploitation or further exploitation. What is happening there is a disgrace and the EU is right to call it out for what it is - a hybrid attack on Lithuania and other EU countries by the Belarusian regime. As a member of the Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, I will highlight the case of one political prisoner in Belarus, Artsiom Bayarski. He is a student and his only alleged crime was to use his freedom of speech, which he is entitled to do. His show trial is coming up in the next few weeks. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has been publicising other political prisoners as well. I wish to send my solidarity and to emphasise the fact that Ireland, through the European Union, should be absolute in putting maximum pressure on the Belarusian regime to prevent these trials and to ensure the immediate release of the prisoners. Sanctions is the appropriate way. The European Union has agreed to the principle of increased sanctions on Belarus, but I would prefer if the sanctions were actually implemented. There should have been a pallet of sanctions available to the leaders of the countries two weeks ago, rather than waiting for December. Hopefully, that is something we can work on before Christmas."

Cathal Berry has an unusual background. Prior to becoming a politician, he spent 23 years in the Irish army. During this time, he spent six years in the Army Ranger Wing (special forces) and served overseas in the Balkans, Africa and the Middle East on UN peacekeeping missions. In 2008, Cathal led a Rangers unit in Chad and he later took a self-funded career break to qualify as a medical doctor. He subsequently worked in hospital emergency departments and then returned to the Defence Forces where he was appointed head of the Military Medical School.

Artsiom Bayarski is a 19-year-old student of the BSU's Department of Chemistry. He was arrested on March 24 and reportedly beaten to appear in a video confession. Artsiom was then charged with "organizing actions that grossly violate public order" and "creating of an extremist formation". His trial is expected to begin the coming weeks.

Artsiom Bayarski’s godparent raises political prisoner’s case in Irish Parliament

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