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Individual communication of the death convict Pavel Seliun registered at the UN

2013 2013-10-10T14:08:00+0300 2013-10-10T14:08:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Andrei Paluda, coordinator of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus"

Andrei Paluda, coordinator of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus"

This was reported on 10 October by the coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus Andrei Poluda, the trustee of the convict.

In connection with this, an appeal was directed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to inform that the individual appeal of Pavel Mikalayevich Seliun was registered by the UN Human Rights Committee under No. 2289/2013. "In accordance with rule 92 of the Rules of Procedure, the state should not execute a death sentence until the consideration of the individual communication on its merrits,” the human rights defenders remind the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In their appeals to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office, the human rights defenders as the MIA not to execute the death sentence handed down by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus against Pavel Seliun before the consideration of his individual communication by the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations Organization. The Prosecutor General's Office is required to ensure the suspension of the execution of the death sentence within the limits of its competence.

The monitoring function in this case
belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Therefore, in accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, approved by the Council of Ministers on 31 July 2006 No. 978, the human rights defenders also ask Foreign Minister to inform the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the registration of the individual communication of Pavel Seliun by the UN Human Rights Committee, as well as to monitor the implementation of international treaties of the Republic of Belarus by these state agencies and provide them with the necessary assistance in this respect.

The need to send such appeals to the aforementioned state institutions is due to the fact that previous death sentences were executed bythe state before the consideration of their communications by the Human Rights Committee, regardless the interim protection measures requested by the Committee.

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