News on the topic: death penalty

Salihorsk joins “Cities for Life – Cities Against Death Penalty” action

02.12.2014 Salihorsk joins “Cities for Life – Cities Against Death Penalty” action

Salihorsk human rights activist have joined the annual action “Cities for Life – Cities Against Death Penalty”, held by the Catholic community of Sant'Egidio.

Bialynichy activists join “Cities for Life” campaign

01.12.2014 Bialynichy activists join “Cities for Life” campaign

Civil society activists distributed the book “Who Needs Death Penalty?” by Valery Filipau. The action was timed to the joint action "Cities for Life - Cities Against the Death Penalty", which is held on November 30 in many countries.

UN Human Rights Committee deplores Belarus execution

01.12.2014 UN Human Rights Committee deplores Belarus execution

The United Nations Human Rights Committee is gravely concerned that Belarus has executed a person whose complaint was under consideration by the Committee. The Committee was informed that the death sentence against Aliaksandr Hrunou was carried out on 22 October 2014. Mr. Hrunou had been found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by the Homel Regional Court in December 2013.

Join “Cities for Life - Cities Against the Death Penalty” campaign on November 30 (VIDEO)

27.11.2014 Join “Cities for Life - Cities Against the Death Penalty” campaign on November 30 (VIDEO)

The campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus” urges everyone to join the initiative “Cities for Life - Cities Against the Death Penalty”, which will take place on November 30.

Court refuses to disclose burial place to death convict’s mother

27.11.2014 Court refuses to disclose burial place to death convict’s mother

The Homel Regional Court, who earlier sentenced local resident Aliaksandr Hrunou to death, refused to disclose the death convict’s place of burial to his mother. Volha Hrunova has received a written ban signed by the Chairman of the Court Siarhei Shautsou. Now she is going to seek changes in the Belarusian legislation, which imposes a taboo on information about the burial site of executed prisoners, reports.

Authorities keep torturing death convict’s mother (PHOTOS)

24.11.2014 Authorities keep torturing death convict’s mother (PHOTOS)

Volha Hrunova, the mother of Aliaksandr Hrunou, who was executed on October 22, 2014 for the murder of his friend Natallia Yemialyianchykava, has received his prison uniform. It was after receiving the package that the death convict’s mother realized that the death sentence was carried out.

Human rights defenders from Homel appealed to the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings

18.11.2014 Human rights defenders from Homel appealed to the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings

Homel Center for Strategic litigation sent a message to Christof Heyns, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial killings. Human rights defenders in the report inform the Special Rapporteur on the serving an execution in respect of Homel resident Alexander Hrunou, which individual complaint is pending before the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

UN Human Rights Committee admits violation of Vasil Yuzepchuk's right to life by Belarus

16.11.2014 UN Human Rights Committee admits violation of Vasil Yuzepchuk's right to life by Belarus

The case of the resident of the Drahichyn district Vasil Yuzepchuk was considered by the United Nations Human Rights Committee in October 2014. The Committee admitted violation of paragraph 3 of Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as Yuzepchuk was not brought before a judge promptly to address the issue of his arrest.

Aliaksandr Hrunou's mother officially notified about execution of her son

13.11.2014 Aliaksandr Hrunou's mother officially notified about execution of her son

As reported to the regional newspaper “Homelskaya Prauda” by the lawyer Siarhei Krasnou, the Homel Regional Court has sent an official notice to Volha Hrunova about the execution of Aliaksandr Hrunou.

Amnesty International: Belarus Must Stop Imminent Execution: Eduard Lykau

12.11.2014 Amnesty International: Belarus Must Stop Imminent Execution: Eduard Lykau

Amnesty International is deeply concerned that death row prisoner Eduard Lykau is at imminent risk of execution in Belarus.

Wife of Iranian Mehrdad Jamshidian tries to prevent his deportation from Belarus

04.11.2014 Wife of Iranian Mehrdad Jamshidian tries to prevent his deportation from Belarus

The individual communication of the wife of the Iranian citizen Mehrdad Jamshidian Helena,sent from Belarus on October 23, was registered at the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and includes measures of urgency.

Belarus executed third death verdict for the year

04.11.2014 Belarus executed third death verdict for the year

As learned by the Human Rights Centre “Viasna” yesterday, a resident of Homel sentenced to death, Aliaksandr Hrunou, had been denied clemency.

Belarusian Popular Front introduces abolition of death penalty in its party program

14.10.2014 Belarusian Popular Front introduces abolition of death penalty in its party program

The recent congress of the Belarusian Popular Front, which took place in Minsk on Saturday, adopted many decisions declarations and changes to the program of the party.

Baranavichy and Brest: death penalty as reflected in cinema

13.10.2014 Baranavichy and Brest: death penalty as reflected in cinema

In Brest, there was held a public viewing of the Belarusian language version of the film “Twelve Angry Men” was held within the framework of the campaign “Un-death Penalty. Because We Are People”. The film, which is a classic of the world cinema and was recognized as one of the best court dramas by the American Film Institute, was presented to Brest participants of the language course "Language Anew" ("Mova Nanova").

Vitsebsk human rights defenders disseminate materials against death penalty

13.10.2014 Vitsebsk human rights defenders disseminate materials against death penalty

Vitsebsk human rights defenders marked the World Day against the Death Penalty by posting stickers with the text “We Are against the Death Penalty” in the city. They also handed out relevant informational production in the center of the city. According to the website “Vitsebsk Viasna”, printed editions were also thrown into postboxes in some houses.

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