News on the topic: death penalty

Amnesty International: Year's first death sentence in Belarus

24.03.2015 Amnesty International: Year's first death sentence in Belarus

A 21-year-old man, Siarhei Ivanou, has been sentenced to death in Belarus. He is the first person sentenced to death in the country this year.

EU Criticizes Belarus Over Death Sentence

20.03.2015 EU Criticizes Belarus Over Death Sentence

The European Union has sharply criticized Belarus, the only European country that applies capital punishment, for sentencing a man to death.

“Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty” represent Belarus at barcamp in Kutaisi

19.03.2015 “Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty” represent Belarus at barcamp in Kutaisi

For three days, the second capital of Georgia – Kutaisi – hosted an event that united guests from various non-governmental organizations of the South Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries.

Why are Belarusians cowed by the death penalty?

19.03.2015 Why are Belarusians cowed by the death penalty?

According to Ales Bialiatski, Aliaksandr Lukashenka is in no hurry to reform the law, primarily because he identifies today’s Belarus with the BSSR and the Soviet Union, where the death penalty was widespread.

One hundred death penalty free countries within reach after Fiji becomes number 99

19.03.2015 One hundred death penalty free countries within reach after Fiji becomes number 99

A couple of weeks ago, on 13 February, we woke up to the good news that Fiji had joined the ranks of countries to abolish the death penalty for all crimes. There are now 99 countries who have completely scrapped the ultimate cruel and inhuman punishment from their laws – exactly half of all states in the world.

Man sentenced to death in Rechytsa

18.03.2015 Man sentenced to death in Rechytsa

On March 18, the Rechytsa District Court sentenced Siarhei Ivanou, 21, to death on charges of murdering and raping a 19-year-old girl on 29 August 2013.

Tamara Sialiun appeals to Constitutional Court

16.03.2015 Tamara Sialiun appeals to Constitutional Court

Tamara Sialiun, mother of an executed death row convict Pavel Sialiun, has filed an appeal to the Constitutional Court. In it, she draws attention to the fact that the present practice of executing the death penalty and implementation of Article 175 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Republic of Belarus brings the suffering to the families and friends of those executed.

Tamara Sialiun's appeal is beyond court jurisdiction

13.03.2015 Tamara Sialiun's appeal is beyond court jurisdiction

Leninski District Court of Hrodna refused to institute civil proceedings against the Department of Corrections of the Ministry of Interior on appeal of Tamara Sialiun concerning the fact of sending her the prison robe of her son, death row convict Pavel Sialiun, after his execution.

Minsk Regional Court to consider Mikhail Hladki's appeal

11.03.2015 Minsk Regional Court to consider Mikhail Hladki's appeal

The consideration of Mr. Hladki's appeal against the verdict of Minsk City Court will take place at 10 a.m. on March 13 at Minsk Regional Court.

Death penalty in theory and practice. Comments to the National Report

06.03.2015 Death penalty in theory and practice. Comments to the National Report

The National Report for the Universal Periodic Review (second cycle), prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been published.

Exhibition of posters against death penalty opens in Homel

02.03.2015 Exhibition of posters against death penalty opens in Homel

On February 27, the Homel-based socio-political center hosted the opening of an exhibition entitled “Six Arguments Against the Death Penalty”. The exposition features posters by artist Aleh Ablazhei and works from the funds of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The exhibition will last a week.

Death convict’s mother writes to UN Human Rights Committee

27.02.2015 Death convict’s mother writes to UN Human Rights Committee

Volha Hrunova, the mother of Aliaksandr Hrunou, who was executed on charges of murder, has submitted an individual complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee. She complains of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by the state. The woman has exhausted all the domestic remedies, but was unable to force officials to inform her about the time and place of the funeral of her executed son

Death convict’s mother complains of inhuman treatment

25.02.2015 Death convict’s mother complains of inhuman treatment

Tamara Sialiun, mother of Pavel Sialiun, who was executed in the spring of 2014, argues that the authorities deliberately cause mental suffering to the families of executed prisoners, thus violating the constitutional rights of citizens.

Volha Hrunova: Mother should know where her son is buried

19.02.2015 Volha Hrunova: Mother should know where her son is buried

Volha Hrunova, the mother of Aliaksandr Hrunou, who was executed on charges of murder, has filed a supervisory appeal to the Chairman of the Homel Regional Court Siarhei Shautsou, after her civil lawsuit against the Homel Regional Court and the Department of Corrections was rejected earlier this month.

Presidential administration believes that issuance of bodies of executed for burial can cause negative excesses

10.02.2015 Presidential administration believes that issuance of bodies of executed for burial can cause negative excesses

Head of the main department for work with appeals of citizens and legal entities of the Presidential Administration Stanislau Buko refused to put the question of amending the legislation, which prohibits to issue the bodies of executed death row convicts to their relatives, on the agenda of the Constitutional Court.

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