News on the topic: death penalty

Belarus replies to complaint in death convict’s case

17.02.2016 Belarus replies to complaint in death convict’s case

The Belarusian government has responded to a complaint submitted the UN Human Rights Committee by Volha Hrunova, the mother of Aliaksandr Hrunou, who was executed in 2014. The woman asked to declassify the burial place of her son, and then complained to the UN Human Rights Committee about inhuman and degrading treatment.

This year’s second death sentence handed down in Minsk (updated)

16.02.2016 This year’s second death sentence handed down in Minsk (updated)

According to preliminary information received by representatives of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty in Belarus”, the Minsk Regional Court has sentenced to death Siarhei Khmialeuski, 31, resident of the town of Mačuliščy, Minsk region.

Amnesty International asks to commute death sentence handed down to Henadz Yakavitski

26.01.2016 Amnesty International asks to commute death sentence handed down to Henadz Yakavitski

President Lukashenka should "halt any planned executions and immediately commute the death sentence handed down to Gennadii Yakovitskii (Henadz Yakavitski) and all others sentenced to death in Belarus", says an urgent action press-release by Amnesty International of January 25.

26.01.2016 Death convict escapes extradition to UAE, released from jail in Belarus

Pyotr Ivanik, a Russian national sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates for having ordered the murder of his business partner back in 2011, has been released from jail No. 1 in Minsk, according to Aleh Khlyshchenka, head of the international legal department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Belarus.

Henadz Yakavitski Appeals against Death Sentence

21.01.2016 Henadz Yakavitski Appeals against Death Sentence

On January 20, the resident of Vileyka Henadz Yakavitski lodged a cassational appeal to the Supreme Court against the death sentence rendered on January 5 by the Minsk Regional Court.

Requested Extradition to Be Fulfilled Only with Guarantees of Retrial

21.01.2016 Requested Extradition to Be Fulfilled Only with Guarantees of Retrial

The citizen of Russia Piotr Ivanik, who is now jailed in Mink detention facility No1 in Valadarski street, was sentenced to death by the United Arab Emirates and is awaiting extradition.

Human rights defender Andrei Paluda: Death convict Eduard Lykau executed

15.01.2016 Human rights defender Andrei Paluda: Death convict Eduard Lykau executed

Andrei Paluda, coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty in Belarus” Andrei Paluda has told in an interview with how he perceives being labeled a ‘defender of murderers’ and what he thinks can make Lukashenka abolish capital punishment.

15.01.2016 EU reiterates its call on Belarus to impose moratorium on death penalty

The European External Action Service (EEAS) has issued a statement reiterating the European Union’s call on the Belarusian government to impose a moratorium on the death penalty in connection with a new death sentence in the country.

Another man sentenced to death in Belarus

12.01.2016 Another man sentenced to death in Belarus

On January 5, the Minsk Regional Court pronounced this year’s first death sentence in the case of Henadz Yakavitski, a resident of the town of Vilejka, who was charged with “murder committed with extreme cruelty” (Article 139 of the Criminal Code).

UN HRC registers complaint by death convict’s mother

21.12.2015 UN HRC registers complaint by death convict’s mother

The UN Human Rights Committee has registered an individual communication submitted by Volha Hrunova, the mother of Aliaksandr Hrunou, who was executed in 2014. The death convict’s mother appeals against a violation of her son’s right not to be subjected to cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment and the right to a fair trial.

Russian citizen sentenced to death in UAE, awaiting extradition in Belarus

16.12.2015 Russian citizen sentenced to death in UAE, awaiting extradition in Belarus

Pyotr Ivanik, a Russian national, who has been sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates, is currently awaiting extradition in jail No. 1 in Minsk, according to representatives of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”.

UN criticizes Belarus for executing Pavel Sialiun

16.12.2015 UN criticizes Belarus for executing Pavel Sialiun

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has published its Views adopted in the case of Pavel Sialiun, who was sentenced to death in Belarus in June 2013. The Committee concludes that Pavel Sialiun's right to life under article 6 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was violated, since “the author was sentenced to death after an unfair trial.”

Join Cities for Life campaign (video)

30.11.2015 Join Cities for Life campaign (video)

The campaign “Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty in Belarus” calls on everyone to join the action “Cities for Life – Cities against the Death Penalty”, which takes place on November 30 to celebrate the first abolition of the death penalty by a European state, decreed by Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor of Habsburg-Lorraine in 1786 for his Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

Issue of death penalty in Belarus still a priority for EU countries

30.11.2015 Issue of death penalty in Belarus still a priority for EU countries

The resumption of a dialogue between the EU and Belarus will become a platform for further discussion of the issue of the death penalty, said David Spiers, Deputy Chief of the UK Mission to Belarus, in an interview to the Human Rights Center “Viasna”.

Amnesty International asks to commute death sentence handed down to Ivan Kulesh

26.11.2015 Amnesty International asks to commute death sentence handed down to Ivan Kulesh

Amnesty International has urged President Lukashenka to "halt any planned executions and immediately commute the death sentence handed down to Ivan Kulesh and all others sentenced to death in Belarus", according to a statement released on November 24.

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