News on the topic: death penalty

EU Criticizes Belarusian Death Sentences

24.07.2017 EU Criticizes Belarusian Death Sentences

The European Union on July 21 criticized the two latest death sentences handed down in Belarus, saying that they "violate the right to life."

Two new death verdicts handed down in Mahilioŭ

21.07.2017 Two new death verdicts handed down in Mahilioŭ

The Mahilioŭ Regional Court completed today the hearing of a headline-making case of ‘black estate agents’, sentencing two defendants, Ihar Hershankou and Siamion Berazhnou, to death and two more, Tatsiana Hershankova and Barys Kalesnikau, to lengthy prison terms.

Amnesty International: Aliaksei Mikhalenya at risk of imminent execution

18.07.2017 Amnesty International: Aliaksei Mikhalenya at risk of imminent execution

On 30 June, the Supreme Court denied Aliaksei Mikhalenya’s appeal and upheld his death sentence. Aliaksei Mikhalenya was later transferred to the pre-trial detention centre (SIZO) #1 in Minsk where death row inmates are kept and death sentences are believed to be executed. He is at risk of imminent execution.

Death Sentence Upheld in Appeal in Supreme Court

01.07.2017 Death Sentence Upheld in Appeal in Supreme Court

On June 30, the Supreme Court of Belarus heard the appeal of Aliaksei Mikhalenia, sentenced to death in March 2017.

OSCE Denounces Execution In Belarus

10.05.2017 OSCE Denounces Execution In Belarus

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has denounced the recent execution of a man in Belarus, the only country in Europe which still applies the death penalty.

EU 'reaffirms its strong opposition to capital punishment' after new execution in Belarus

10.05.2017 EU 'reaffirms its strong opposition to capital punishment' after new execution in Belarus

Another execution has taken place in Belarus: that of Siarhei Vostrykau. The European Union again reaffirms its strong opposition to capital punishment in all circumstances.

Death convict Siarhei Vostrykau executed

05.05.2017 Death convict Siarhei Vostrykau executed

Death convict Siarhei Vostrykau has been executed, Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty in Belarus said quoting the convict’s mother who reportedly received a notification from the Homieĺ Regional Court.

At least 1,032 people executed in 23 countries in 2016, Amnesty International Annual Report says

11.04.2017 At least 1,032 people executed in 23 countries in 2016, Amnesty International Annual Report says

At least 1,032 people were executed in 23 countries in 2016. In 2015 Amnesty International recorded 1,634 executions in 25 countries worldwide - a historical spike unmatched since 1989.

EU Statement on a death sentence in Belarus

28.03.2017 EU Statement on a death sentence in Belarus

The Delegation of the European Union to Belarus has issued the following statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Belarus.

Belarus: First death sentence in 2017

22.03.2017 Belarus: First death sentence in 2017

Paris-Minsk. FIDH and its member organisation in Belarus Human Rights Centre "Viasna" denounce the first death sentence in 2017 and regret the Belarusian authorities continue to ignore calls to render Europe a death penalty-free zone.

Man sentenced to death in Naroŭlia

20.03.2017 Man sentenced to death in Naroŭlia

The Homieĺ Regional Court pronounced today, March 17, a death sentence in the case of Aliaksei Mikhalenia, a 32-year-old resident of Naroŭlia. This is the first death sentence handed down in 2017.

Mental anguish ‘adds weight’ to argument for ending capital punishment – UN rights chief

03.03.2017 Mental anguish ‘adds weight’ to argument for ending capital punishment – UN rights chief

The United Nations human rights chief today reiterated his call to abolish the death penalty as it raises serious issues in relation to the dignity and rights of all human beings, including the right to life and the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

Libereco: no improvement in human rights situation one year after sanctions were lifted

20.02.2017 Libereco: no improvement in human rights situation one year after sanctions were lifted

One year ago, on 15 February 2016, the EU Foreign Affairs Council decided to lift most of the sanctions against Belarus. This decision was preceded by a reduction in visible repression in Belarus since the summer of 2015, through the release of political prisoners and relatively peaceful presidential elections.

Meanwhile in Belarus… To put an end to death penalty in Europe

17.02.2017 Meanwhile in Belarus… To put an end to death penalty in Europe

In 2017, Belarus is still the only country in Europe to apply death penalty. Aiming to denounce and bring this grim reality to public attention, FIDH publishes in social networks a video "Meanwhile in Belarus".

Report on the death penalty in Belarus presented at Council of Europe

09.02.2017 Report on the death penalty in Belarus presented at Council of Europe

A delegation of human rights defenders representing the Human Rights Center "Viasna" and FIDH visited yesterday the Council of Europe to discuss the question of the death penalty and the overall situation of human rights in Belarus.

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