News on the topic: detention conditions

Trade union activist complains about detention conditions in Niasvizh jail

25.11.2014 Trade union activist complains about detention conditions in Niasvizh jail

Aliaksandr Vaitseshyk, activist of the independent trade union of radio-electronic industry (REP) in the city of Baranavichy, who served a 2-day detention in the police department of Niasvizh for requesting a book of complaints in a local canteen, has written a complaint to the Prosecutor General’s Office. In his complaint, the activist tells about poor conditions of detention and asks to close the temporary detention facility of the Niasvizh district police department.

Fresh probe to be launched over death in Svetlahorsk jail

24.11.2014 Fresh probe to be launched over death in Svetlahorsk jail

The Svetlahorsk District Court has quashed a decision by the district department of the Investigative Committee, which earlier refused to open a criminal investigation into the death of Aliaksandr Akulich, who died while serving an administrative arrest in the detention center of the town’s police department in May 2012. The judge agreed with all the arguments of the victim’s mother and the human rights defenders of the HRC “Viasna”.

Political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok faces one more year in prison

20.11.2014 Political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok faces one more year in prison

On November 20, it was reported that a criminal case was opened against political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok under Part 1, Article 411 of the Criminal Code - willful disobedience of the lawful demands of the administration of the correctional institution. As a result, he may be sentenced to one more year of imprisonment.

Mogilev investigators decided to ignore Lyudmila  Kuchura

20.10.2014 Mogilev investigators decided to ignore Lyudmila Kuchura

Lyudmila Kuchura, seeking punishment for the torture of her husband in the Penal Colony #15, after a year of correspondence with the Department of the Investigative Committee of Mogilev suddenly turned aside as investigators began to ignore complaints, refusing to recognize her as an applicant.

Uladzimir Lemesh about conditions in Salihorsk detention center: 3 mattresses per 15 people

05.10.2014 Uladzimir Lemesh about conditions in Salihorsk detention center: 3 mattresses per 15 people

An activist of the "European Belarus" Uladzimir Lemesh spent last weekend in Salihorsk detention center. The activist called the conditions of detention there inhuman and degrading and intends to file a complaint about this.

The Supreme Court did not put an end to the case of man died in temporary holding facility of Svetlahorsk

24.09.2014 The Supreme Court did not put an end to the case of man died in temporary holding facility of Svetlahorsk

The mother of Alexander Akulich is seeking punishment for employees of Svetlahorsk police department for the death of her son. There appeared a hope that her complaint about the refusal to institute criminal proceedings, previously dismissed by the Svetlahorsk regional court, will be reviewed.

Kanstantsin Zhukouski on hunger strike to protest unfair jail term

31.08.2014 Kanstantsin Zhukouski on hunger strike to protest unfair jail term

Homel opposition activist Kanstantsin Zhukouski has started a hunger strike in the temporary detention facility of the city’s department of internal affairs. His administrative case was heard by the Tsentralny District Court of Homel on August 28. The activist was detained by riot police on August 25. A ruling of Judge Volha Kazlova convicted the activist of disobeying police officers (Article 23.4 of the Administrative Code) and sentenced him to an administrative arrest of five 5 days. During the trial, Zhukouski said that he was not guilty of the offense.

Analytical report on migrant detainees presented in Belarus

27.08.2014 Analytical report on migrant detainees presented in Belarus

In May-July 2014, a civil campaign “No People Are Illegal” with the support from the Human Rights Center “Viasna” monitored the level of openness and transparency of work with migrants on the part of government bodies and other organizations in charge.

25.08.2014 Lawyer allowed to visit political prisoner Vasil Parfiankou

Vasil Parfiankou’s counsel has been allowed to visit the political prisoner in the Horki penal colony and is going to see him in the near future. Obtaining such permission was difficult, Radio Liberty’s Belarus service reports.

“Have you ever wondered how much sorrow has the twenty years of your office brought to the citizens of this country?”

22.08.2014 “Have you ever wondered how much sorrow has the twenty years of your office brought to the citizens of this country?”

Liudmila Kuchura has sent her petition to Aliaksandr Lukashenka to congratulate him on the 20th anniversary of his presidency, recalling that, thanks to his “parental care”, her husband Piotr Kuchura has already served ten years for a crime he did not commit.

Lawyer Pavel Sapelka describes nuances of penitentiary statistics

13.08.2014 Lawyer Pavel Sapelka describes nuances of penitentiary statistics

Last week, there were voiced opposite statements about the number of prisoners in Belarus. One of the calculations was voiced by President Lukashenka, the other – by the Internet newspaper “Salidarnasts”. Human rights defenders react to the both of them with reasonable skepticism.

Expert analysis of legal amendments governing detention in activity therapy centers (LTPs)

31.07.2014 Expert analysis of legal amendments governing detention in activity therapy centers (LTPs)

Having analyzed legal amendments governing detention in activity therapy centers (so called LTPs), Pavel Sapelka, an expert in the prison system law, states that LTPs still perform punitive functions, and the expected increase in the number of these institutions will certainly entail a boost in the number of persons held in them.

Mikalai Autukhovich’s “main things”

29.07.2014 Mikalai Autukhovich’s “main things”

During his stay in hospital in Minsk, former political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich in an interview to the Human Rights Center “Viasna” told about his attitude to life and health, which were often at risk during his detention.

29.07.2014 Vasil Parfiankou’s father: Solitary confinement and no letters allowed

“He sent a letter a week ago. He says that our last letter was received back on April 30. So our letters are not delivered to him. Then we sent him newspapers by a registered letter on May 5. He said that he did not receive the registered letter, either. So it goes. He’s in solitary confinement and he sees no one. The watchmen take him to the prison yard to walk for 30 minutes, that’s all his contacts with the world. You can go crazy! Let it be on their conscience,” says Vasil Parfiankou’s father in an interview to Radio Liberty’s Belarus service.

Mahiliou Prosecutor orders fresh probe into torture report

29.07.2014 Mahiliou Prosecutor orders fresh probe into torture report

Having considered an appeal by the wife of Piotr Kuchura, prisoner of penal colony No. 15, against a refusal to initiate criminal proceedings against the prison administration, Mahiliou City Prosecutor Mikalai Vulvach quashed the decision by the Mahiliou interdistrict department of the Investigative Committee.

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