News on the topic: detention conditions

18.02.2015 Yauhen Vaskovich not allowed to read Criminal Code

As it became known, after a meeting with his mother in Mahiliou colony No. 15 political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich was forbidden to take legal literature, including the Criminal Code and the Code for Criminal Procedures, the pres service of the Belarusian Association of Journalists reports.

Campaign in support of political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich launched in Minsk

16.02.2015 Campaign in support of political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich launched in Minsk

On Monday, 16 February, the Day of Solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners, all concerned citizens are invited to the Minsk-based office of the electronic industry trade union, to sign greeting cards for political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich.

Mikalai Statkevich reports limited access to information

16.02.2015 Mikalai Statkevich reports limited access to information

Political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich, the only candidate in the presidential election of 2010 still held in prison, has sent a letter to journalist Barys Vyrvich, which he received on 13 February. The letter was written by Mikalai Statkevich on 7 February.

26.01.2015 Political prisoner Statkevich accused of “avoiding community service”

The confinement regime for Mikalai Statkevich has not been changed. He wrote it to his wife Maryna Adamovich. The authorities of the Shklou prison think he “failed to choose a course of correction”, BelaPAN reports.

Human rights organizations demand an immediate cessation of the criminal prosecution of political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok and his release from jail

22.01.2015 Human rights organizations demand an immediate cessation of the criminal prosecution of political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok and his release from jail

FIDH, HRC "Viasna" and BHC express deep concern with the serious threats to the life and health of Mikalai Dziadok and emphasize that the entire responsibility for his safety and protection lies with the administration of the prison No. 4 in Mahiliou and the management of the Department of Corrections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

Mikalai Statkevich faces two violation reports after transfer to Shklou colony

19.01.2015 Mikalai Statkevich faces two violation reports after transfer to Shklou colony

Political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich has been accused of two violations in just two days of his stay in the Shklou penal colony.

29.12.2014 Political prisoner Ihar Alinevich visited by parents

Political prisoner Ihar Alinevich, who was sentenced to eight years in prison under strict regime, has been allowed to see his parents during a long meeting, which however lasted only 24 hours instead of the usual three days, according to Valiantsina Alinevich, the political prisoner’s mother.

Human rights activist Leanid Svetsik: It is necessary to solve the problem of life and health insurance of prisoners

24.12.2014 Human rights activist Leanid Svetsik: It is necessary to solve the problem of life and health insurance of prisoners

Vitsebsk human rights activist Leanid Svetsik has written to the House of Representatives with a proposal to consider the issue of life and health insurance of prisoners (convicts). MPs have forwarded the proposal to the Department of Corrections and the Ministry of Finance. The latter answered that the authorities were not interested in the introduction of compulsory insurance of life and health of persons held in prison.

Prosecutor’s office rejects complaint against degrading conditions of detention in Salihorsk

23.12.2014 Prosecutor’s office rejects complaint against degrading conditions of detention in Salihorsk

At the request of Uladzimir Lemesh, an activist of the European Belarus opposition movement, the Salihorsk District Prosecutor’s Office has checked the conditions of detention in the city’s police department. As a result of the probe, prosecuting authorities identified certain violations of regulations for special institutions of the Interior, says a response by the supervisory authority.

Relatives visit political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich

22.12.2014 Relatives visit political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich

Political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich has been visited by his mother and grandmother. The meeting lasted two hours, according to the press-service of the Belarusian Christian Democracy.

Eduard Lobau: I have to look around and decide what to do next

19.12.2014 Eduard Lobau: I have to look around and decide what to do next

The Minsk office of the Belarusian Popular front hosted today the first press conference of former political prisoner Eduard Lobau, who was released yesterday after serving four years of imprisonment in penal colony No. 22 in Ivatsevichy.

Investigative nonsense: Shoes taken off barefooted body

19.12.2014 Investigative nonsense: Shoes taken off barefooted body

The recent decision on the results of another probe in connection with the death of Aliaksandr Akulich in Svetlahorsk detention center demonstrates unacceptable negligence of investigator Viachaslau Petachenka.

Detention center in Niasvizh to be closed for repairs after complaint from activist

19.12.2014 Detention center in Niasvizh to be closed for repairs after complaint from activist

Aliaksandr Vaitseshyk, an activists of the trade union of radio electronic industry (REP), has received a letter signed by head doctor of the Republican Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Finance and the Rear of the Ministry of the Interior, A.L. Zhuk, which says that the experts of the state agency have considered his complaint against the facts of non-compliance with sanitary-epidemiological legislation in the temporary detention center of the police department in Niasvizh. The letter says that during a probe has confirmed some of the facts mentioned in his complaint to the Prosecutor General.

Andrei Haidukou describes detention conditions in Polatsk and Navapolatsk

17.12.2014 Andrei Haidukou describes detention conditions in Polatsk and Navapolatsk

Andrei Haidukou, member of the organizing committee of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy, was detained for handing out leaflets on November 21 in Navapolatsk and on November 24 in Polatsk. On November 25, he was sentenced to 10 days in jail, and on December 5 – to another five days. The activist told human rights defenders new details of these arrests and the trials, as well as about the conditions in the detention center of Navapolatsk.

Vasil Parfiankou: I spent only 29 days in the colony’s residential area

16.12.2014 Vasil Parfiankou: I spent only 29 days in the colony’s residential area

Former political prisoner Vasil Parfiankou, who has been released after serving his sentence in penal colony No. 9 in Horki, told about the conditions of detention in the colony and about the preventive supervision he has been subjected for a period of one year.

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