News on the topic: local council elections-2010

15.04.2010 Hotsimsk: pro-governmental candidate uses administrative resource

Ivan Kazhemiaka, the head of the Mahiliou Tax Inspection, runs for the Mahiliou Regional Council of Deputies at the Khotsimskaya election constituency #54. As discovered by his rival, candidate of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Valery Karankevich, the pro-governmental candidate used the administrative resource.

15.04.2010 Elector to seek a meeting with Lidziya Yarmoshyna

The question of the unlawfulness of the agitation action held by the candidate Uladzimir Halaburda ahead of time was considered by the Minsk City Election Commission on 12 April.

15.04.2010 Candidate summoned for questioning by KGB

On 14 April late at night a candidate for deputy Ales Zarembiuk was given a summons where a reason of questioning had not been even indicated.

15.04.2010 Vitsebsk: opposition candidate can be excluded from electoral race

Uladzimir Ramanovich, a candidate of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party for the Vitsebsk City Council of Deputies, faces a warning or, in the worst case, exclusion from the electoral race.

15.04.2010 Lidziya Yarmoshyna recommended the Barysau district election commission to ‘equalize’ biographical data of candidates

Lidziya Yarmoshyna, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission, recommended the Barysau district election commission to ‘introduce the necessary changes in the prepared for printing posters with the biographical data of the candidates for deputies, taking into account that posters of all candidates must contain equal scope of information.’

14.04.2010 Krychau: democratic candidates demand to publish information about income of pro-governmental ones

Information about the income of candidates for the Krychau district Council of Deputies wasn’t published by the state press.

14.04.2010 Mahiliou: human rights defenders got authorities increase the number of places for agitation

The Mahiliou human rights defenders repeatedly addressed the Mahiliou procuracy and the Central Election Commission during the current election campaign with the aim to get the authorities determine more places for electoral agitation.

14.04.2010 Homel: commissions ‘forget’ to inform democratic candidates about electoral meetings

Some constituency commissions of Homel ‘forgot’ to inform some of democratic candidates that they would have electoral meetings, whereas surnames of other such candidates weren’t even mentioned in the invitations to such meetings.

’Nasha Tolochinshchina’ created a gallery of portraits of pro-governmental candidates

14.04.2010 ’Nasha Tolochinshchina’ created a gallery of portraits of pro-governmental candidates

Some interesting observations by Ales Mazhuha have been recently published at

14.04.2010 Homel: are pro-regime candidates allowed to put agitation in banned places?

Agitation materials of the candidate for the Homel regional Council of Deputies Aliaksandr Udodau, Chairperson of a department of the Belarusian railway, are put in the places that are prohibited for agitation.

Newspaper of Babruisk town executive committee calls on electors to vote early and cast their votes for deputies of last convocation

14.04.2010 Newspaper of Babruisk town executive committee calls on electors to vote early and cast their votes for deputies of last convocation

The main printed organ of the Babruisk town executive committee, printed the article We Will Choose a Future for Our Town on Our Own. The article opens with a statement that all events that take place in the town ‘should be viewed through the prism of the upcoming elections’. Then its author, Aliaksandr Tsimafeyeu, mentions the presence of members of political parties in the lists of candidates, and adds that the main thing is not a ‘sympathetic status’, but ‘serving to the people’.

14.04.2010 Mahiliou: candidate again finds election commission drinking

While going round the precincts situated on the territory of his election constituency, Aliaksei Paulouski, a candidate for the Mahiliou city Council of Deputies, again found members of the Zavadskaya precinct election commission #3 drinking alcohol.

14.04.2010 Navapolatsk: another withdrawal from elections

Siarhei Sidarau, a member of the Belarusian Popular Front, addressed the election commission with the statement that he withdrew from the elections on his own will. He refused to provide any comments about his decision.

14.04.2010 Hrodna: candidate of BPF Party withdraws from elections

Mikola Lemianouski, a member of the Hrodna organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, refused to run for the Hrodna city Council of Deputies at election constituency #22, where he was registered as a candidate. He addressed the Hrodna city election commission with a detailed explanation of his position. He states that there is no real democratization of the electoral process despite the supplements that were introduced in the Election Code, and emphasizes that representatives of democratic parties weren’t included in precinct commissions (in particular, only 1 out of 16 nominees of the BPF Party was included in a precinct commission).

14.04.2010 Mahiliou: state financing is not enough for printing agitation materials

According to Aliaksei Paulouski, a candidate for the Mahiliou city and the Mahiliou regional Councils of Deputies, he managed to print agitation leaflets for 40% and 20% electors respectively for the means he had received from the state for this purpose.

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