News on the topic: political prisoners

More Swiss and Irish MPs join godparenthood campaign for Belarus prisoners

02.02.2021 More Swiss and Irish MPs join godparenthood campaign for Belarus prisoners

As part of the solidarity campaign #WeStandBYyou of Libereco, Jim O’Callaghan, (Irish Lower House, Fianna Fáil, Ireland), Barry Andrews (European Parliament, Fianna Fáil, Ireland) and Franziska Ryser (National Council, The Greens, Switzerland) have taken over a godparenthood for political prisoners Artsiom Sarokin, Siarhei Kryuchenia and Artsiom Mitsuk.

First verdict in “Tsikhanouski case”: critical blogger Uladzimir Niaronski sentenced to 3 years in prison

02.02.2021 First verdict in “Tsikhanouski case”: critical blogger Uladzimir Niaronski sentenced to 3 years in prison

The Lahojsk District Court has sentenced political prisoner Uladzimir Niaronski to a three-year imprisonment in a general-security penal colony, finding him guilty of calling to breach public order (Part 1 of Art 342 of the Criminal Code) and publicly insulting a government official (Art. 369).

Workers sentenced to prison terms over political strike

01.02.2021 Workers sentenced to prison terms over political strike

Three employees of the government-owned BMZ steel works were found guilty of “breaching public order” (Part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code) during a strike demanding political change organized at the enterprise on August 17. Ihar Povarau, who was earlier called a political prisoner, has been sentenced to three years in prison, while Aliaksandr Babrou and Yauhen Hovar – to two and half years each.

Former political prisoner Aleh Mazhou sentenced to three years of restricted freedom

01.02.2021 Former political prisoner Aleh Mazhou sentenced to three years of restricted freedom

The Lieninski District Court of Minsk sentenced today 26-year-old athlete Aleh Mazhou to three years of restricted freedom in an open penitentiary (so-called “khimiya”), finding him guilty of “group actions gravely breaching public order” (Part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code). The criminal case was condemned by Belarusian human rights defenders as politically motivated.

MPs from Ireland, Switzerland and Germany "adopt" Volha Paulava, Uladzislau Zianevich and Raman Hvazdziolka

30.01.2021 MPs from Ireland, Switzerland and Germany "adopt" Volha Paulava, Uladzislau Zianevich and Raman Hvazdziolka

As part of the solidarity campaign #WeStandBYyou of Libereco, Frances Fitzgerald (European Parliament, Fine Gael, Ireland), Samira Marti (National Council, SP, Switzerland) and Ralf Kapschak (Bundestag, SPD, Germany) have taken over a godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus.

Immediately release Viasna activist Tatsiana Lasitsa!

30.01.2021 Immediately release Viasna activist Tatsiana Lasitsa!

Joint statement of Belarusian human rights organizations

Two political prisoners convicted in Minsk

29.01.2021 Two political prisoners convicted in Minsk

Political prisoners Renata Smirnova and Artsiom Vinakurau were sentenced today to 2 and 3 years of restricted freedom. Both were released after the verdicts were pronounced.

Human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka charged, remains in custody

29.01.2021 Human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka charged, remains in custody

Leanid Sudalenka, human rights activist and chairman of the Homieĺ branch of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", has been charged under Parts 1 and 2 of Article 342 of the Criminal Code (organization and preparation of actions grossly violating public order and financing such activities). He remains in custody in pre-trial detention center No. 3 in Homieĺ.

Opposition activist Maksim Viniarski is political prisoner

28.01.2021 Opposition activist Maksim Viniarski is political prisoner

Joint statement by the human rights organizations of Belarus

German and Irish MPs take over godparenthood for Maksim Pauliushchyk, Ruslan Parfionau and Illia Palaniankin

28.01.2021 German and Irish MPs take over godparenthood for Maksim Pauliushchyk, Ruslan Parfionau and Illia Palaniankin

As part of the solidarity campaign #WeStandBYyou of Libereco, Barry Ward (Irish Upper House, Fine Gael), Sabine Verheyen (European Parliament, CDU) and Daniela Kluckert (Bundestag, FDP) have taken over a godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus.

31 new political prisoners. HRDs insist on retrials and release of convicts

27.01.2021 31 new political prisoners. HRDs insist on retrials and release of convicts

Joint statement of the Belarusian human rights community

Political prisoner Yan Salanovich released

26.01.2021 Political prisoner Yan Salanovich released

Yan Salanovich, a former university student and employee of the KGB’s research and technology center, has been released after spending 87 days in detention. The authorities failed to provide explanation for the unexpected decision.

5 more arrested protesters called political prisoners

22.01.2021 5 more arrested protesters called political prisoners

Joint statement of Belarusian human rights organizations

Political prisoner Dzmitry Kulakouski sentenced to 2 years of restricted freedom on defamation charges

22.01.2021 Political prisoner Dzmitry Kulakouski sentenced to 2 years of restricted freedom on defamation charges

Judge Tatsiana Pirozhnikava of the Maskoŭski District Court of Minsk sentenced today political prisoner Dzmitry Kulakouski to two years’ imprisonment in an open-type penal facility (so-called “khimiya”). He was found guilty of “publicly insulting an official in connection with the performance of his official duties” (Article 369 of the Criminal Code). Kulakouski was released from custody immediately after the verdict was announced, but will remain under travel restrictions pending appeal hearings.

Political prisoner Valery Kalenchyts sentenced to three years of restricted freedom

22.01.2021 Political prisoner Valery Kalenchyts sentenced to three years of restricted freedom

Judge Alena Zhyvitsa of the Kastryčnicki District Court of Minsk sentenced today political prisoner Valery Kalenchyts to 3 years of restricted freedom in an open-type penal facility (so-called “khimiya”), finding him guilty under Article 342 of the Criminal Code. The convict was released in the courtroom to await appeal hearing.

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