News on the topic: political prisoners

The statement on the recognition of 10 people as political prisoners

13.03.2024 The statement on the recognition of 10 people as political prisoners

Statement by the human rights community of Belarus

Statement by human rights defenders in connection with the crackdown on lawyers

12.03.2024 Statement by human rights defenders in connection with the crackdown on lawyers

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

What happened to political prisoners from February 20 to March 12

12.03.2024 What happened to political prisoners from February 20 to March 12

Viasna reports the latest news about political prisoners.

MEPs launch the second edition of the #EPSTANDSBYYOU initiative

11.03.2024 MEPs launch the second edition of the #EPSTANDSBYYOU initiative

During the plenary session in Strasbourg, MEPs will sign personalised postcards for political prisoners in Belarus.

At least 24 political prisoners released in February having served their sentences

11.03.2024 At least 24 political prisoners released in February having served their sentences

Viasna reports the sentences of political prisoners in a monthly digest.

More than 8,000 women have been persecuted in Belarus. Infographics about repression against women

11.03.2024 More than 8,000 women have been persecuted in Belarus. Infographics about repression against women

Viasna writes about repression against women using infographics.

"These were the first minutes when I put on this pink bag." Women spoke about their mugshots after the transfer to the colony

07.03.2024 "These were the first minutes when I put on this pink bag." Women spoke about their mugshots after the transfer to the colony

On the eve of the International Women's Rights Day, we are publishing some stories.

The statement on the recognition of four people as political prisoners

06.03.2024 The statement on the recognition of four people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

The statement on the recognition of eight people as political prisoners

05.03.2024 The statement on the recognition of eight people as political prisoners

We, the representatives of the Belarusian human rights community, once again emphasize that detention and further deprivation of liberty for various protest activities are used by authorities to suppress social and political activity, dissent, and anti-war demonstrations.

Latest news about jailed Viasna human rights defenders

05.03.2024 Latest news about jailed Viasna human rights defenders

We collected news on Viasna team members who are behind bars.

Three Members of the German Bundestag become godparents for Daniil Chaunakou, Aliaksandr Balonkin and Henadz Drazdou

04.03.2024 Three Members of the German Bundestag become godparents for Daniil Chaunakou, Aliaksandr Balonkin and Henadz Drazdou

As part of #WeStandBYyou solidarity campaign, Ottmar von Holtz (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Luiza Licina-Bode (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) and Michael Sacher (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) have taken on a godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus.

"Free Viasna!" International colleagues speak about the anniversary of the verdict in Viasna case

04.03.2024 "Free Viasna!" International colleagues speak about the anniversary of the verdict in Viasna case

Viasna gathered the reactions of the international colleagues on the anniversary of the verdict in Viasna case.

The statement on the recognition of 7 people as political prisoners

04.03.2024 The statement on the recognition of 7 people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

Statement on recognition of Vasil Paliakou as a political prisoner

04.03.2024 Statement on recognition of Vasil Paliakou as a political prisoner

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

"Who helps with care packages?" Details of the mass crackdown by security forces on relatives of political prisoners

29.02.2024 "Who helps with care packages?" Details of the mass crackdown by security forces on relatives of political prisoners

Viasna reports what is now known about the persecution of relatives of political prisoners, and human rights activist Pavel Sapelka has commented on the KGB crackdown and recalled important security measures that will help avoid imprisonment.

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