News on the topic: political prisoners

Eight people recognized political prisoners over convictions of hatred incitement

24.10.2022 Eight people recognized political prisoners over convictions of hatred incitement

Statement by the human rights community of Belarus

#WeStandBYyou: MPs from the UK, Germany, and France ‘adopt’ political prisoners from Belarus

20.10.2022 #WeStandBYyou: MPs from the UK, Germany, and France ‘adopt’ political prisoners from Belarus

Yana Pinchuk, Vasil Berasnieu, and Natallia Nikitsina get symbolic support as part of Libereco's campaign

Authorities abuse criminal law by convicting dissidents of ‘terrorism’

19.10.2022 Authorities abuse criminal law by convicting dissidents of ‘terrorism’

Convicts in Autukhovich and Storks fly cases recognised as political prisoners

Ales Bialiatski, a life of peaceful struggle for human rights in Belarus

18.10.2022 Ales Bialiatski, a life of peaceful struggle for human rights in Belarus

Anaïs Marin's account of a co-laureate of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.

Mikalai Autukhovich gets 25 years in jail, members of his ‘group’—up to 20

17.10.2022 Mikalai Autukhovich gets 25 years in jail, members of his ‘group’—up to 20

The trial in the high-profile case lasted five months.

What happened to political prisoners on October 10–16

17.10.2022 What happened to political prisoners on October 10–16

At least 10 people convicted in courts, eight political prisoners finished serving their terms.

"After so many years of work, he was able to keep a tender heart." Human rights activist Valiantsin Stefanovich celebrated his 50th anniversary behind bars

17.10.2022 "After so many years of work, he was able to keep a tender heart." Human rights activist Valiantsin Stefanovich celebrated his 50th anniversary behind bars

On October 14, the human rights activist of "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich turned 50 years old. He met his anniversary behind bars. "Let the authorities consider me a smuggler, but there are many people I helped, and I am proud of it," he wrote from Valadarka.

Alina Stefanovic: “It is my husband’s life's work”

14.10.2022 Alina Stefanovic: “It is my husband’s life's work”

Valiantsin Stefanovic turns 50.

Viasna digest: 29 political prisoners released in September, four of them on pardon

14.10.2022 Viasna digest: 29 political prisoners released in September, four of them on pardon

Viasna recalls the released political prisoners' cases and sentences

“Rail guerilla” Aliaksei Shyshkavets sentenced to 11 years in jail

13.10.2022 “Rail guerilla” Aliaksei Shyshkavets sentenced to 11 years in jail

The political prisoner was put on ‘terrorists list’ for joining the ByPol chatbot.

#FreeViasna: Latest news on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

12.10.2022 #FreeViasna: Latest news on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

Nobel Peace Prize for Ales Bialitski, unexpected release of Tatsiana Lasitsa and other news on Viasna members.

Defamation articles remain reprisals tool: 11 more people recognized political prisoners

12.10.2022 Defamation articles remain reprisals tool: 11 more people recognized political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

UN experts call for immediate release of Nobel winner Ales Bialiatski

11.10.2022 UN experts call for immediate release of Nobel winner Ales Bialiatski

Viasna members jailed to silence human rights defenders and eradicate the civic space in Belarus.

What happened to political prisoners on October 3–9

10.10.2022 What happened to political prisoners on October 3–9

The struggle for human rights continues as Ales Bialitaski becomes the fourth person in history awarded Nobel prize while jailed

Media workers in BelaPAN case sentenced to up to 14 years in jail

06.10.2022 Media workers in BelaPAN case sentenced to up to 14 years in jail

Four convicts in BelaPAN case sentenced to harsh jail sentences and large fines

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