News on the topic: education

08.11.2011 Post-graduate student Tatsiana Kasataya expelled from university

The student was expelled from the Hrodna State University after the failure to pass the attestation for the second year of post-graduate study. Recently she has received an excerpt from the rector's order concerning her expulsion.

New rector of International Institute MITSO expels participant of silent protests

12.10.2011 New rector of International Institute MITSO expels participant of silent protests

Valiantsin Fiadziuk, fourth-year student of the International Institute MITSO (higher educational establishment of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Belarus) was expelled for participation in a silent protest action. The order for his expulsion was signed by the new rector, Stanislau Kniazeu.

01.09.2011 Police hinder traditional outdoor assembly of Belarusian Humanities Lyceum

Students of the liquidated Belarusian Humanities Lyceum named after Ya. Kolas come to the former building of the lyceum (which is occupied by the Tsentralny District Court of Minsk) to mark the beginning of the curriculum year.

Biaroza: the only Belarusian-language form closed down

09.06.2011 Biaroza: the only Belarusian-language form closed down

The only form with the Belarusian language of instruction was closed down in secondary school #2 after four years of work. The form was established after Aleh Labovich, engineer of one of Biaroza enterprises, spent a year on correspondence with different scientific and educational institutions. 16 parents also signed for the establishment of the form.

No holidays for Orhsa teachers

10.05.2011 No holidays for Orhsa teachers

At the beginning of May, when many workers of the budget sphere were freed from work because of the 1 May holidays, officers of the Presidential Administration and the education department of the Vitsebsk Regionl Executive Committee checked up the secondary schools in the town of Orsha. The official reason for the check up was the 11 April terrorist act in the Minsk metro.

Pukhavichy district: teacher loses her job

15.01.2011 Pukhavichy district: teacher loses her job

Natallia Illinich, the teacher of history at the secondary school in the town of Talka, can lose her job. Her labor contract expires on 27 January, and on 11 January the schoolmaster, Natallia Merkul, told her that the contract won't be extended. Meanwhile, according to the existing laws, the employers must inform their employees about dismissal in a month's advance.

09.12.2010 Minsk: the dean’s office of philological faculty of Belarusian State University threatens a Young Front activist

A second-year student of the philological faculty of Belarusian State University Kasia Davydzik was summonsed to the office of the Deputy Dean, Siarhei Vazhnik. He showed her photos from the street action held under the slogan Retire! (addressed to Lukashenka), on the top of which her surname was written in Russian. The official said that had had been asked to take explanations from her.

Hrodna: family picket for Belarusian school

03.09.2010 Hrodna: family picket for Belarusian school

On 2 September, Professor Aliaksandr Astrouski, his wife Aksana and their children came to Lenin Square in Hrodna and unfurled banners with slogans in front of the windows of the city executive committee.

Minsk police break educational seminar

18.05.2010 Minsk police break educational seminar

On 17 May Minsk police detained the participants of an educational meeting of the ‘Bespartshkola’ open school, entitled ‘The Civil War in Spain and the Communes of Aragon’, reports.

23.02.2010 Parties and religious organisations to be banned in Belarusian universities

Belarusian “parliamentarians” are drafting a new project of the Education Code.

The chairman of the Education, culture and scientific and technical progress of the lower chamber of the “parliament” Uladzimir Zdanovich addressing the extended session of the Commission stated that the draft Education Code includes a ban on activities of political parties and religious organisations in universities, BelaPAN informs.

'young Front' activist Yuliya Mikhailava expelled from college

11.02.2010 'young Front' activist Yuliya Mikhailava expelled from college

The girl was not given any official papers. She was just told she was expelled from the Textile College and was asked to collect her documents, the website informs.

Ministry of Education refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at Belarusian State University

01.02.2010 Ministry of Education refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at Belarusian State University

The first deputy minister of education at last replied to Tatsiana Shaputska, spokesperson for the Young Front, expelled from the Law Faculty of Belarusian State University in connected with her participation in the Eastern Partnership civil forum.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ministry of Education should adequately react to its official’s actions’

19.01.2010 Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ministry of Education should adequately react to its official’s actions’

On 15 January Mrs. Taisa Danilevich, head of the Education Department of Minsk Regional Executive Committee, urged 6 teachers – Natallia Ilyinich (Talka, BPF), Mikola Liashchun (Lahoisk, BPF), Ales Yazvinski (Niasvizh, CCP-BPF), Uladzimir Pareika (Niasvizh district, BSDP), Siarhei Klimionak (Vileika, UCPB) and Nadzeya Ahafonava (Liuban, UCPB) – to stop their membership in various political parties of Belarus. The official thinks the teachers cannot work at schools.

04.12.2009 Authorities demolish art studio of Yury Miahki for his protest against cut-down of park trees

Dwellers of the village of Slaveni are collecting signatures under a collective letter which will be sent to the district newspaper Nasha Talachynshchyna. They demand to review the decision of the district culture department on demolition of the building where artist Yury Myahki has a studio and teach village children painting and carving.

‘Young Front’ press-secretary got expelled from Belarusian State University

04.12.2009 ‘Young Front’ press-secretary got expelled from Belarusian State University

On 3 December 3 the Young Front press-secretary Tatsiana Shaputska was expelled from the faculty of law of the Belarusian State University for her participation in the Civil Society Forum of Eastern Partnership in Brussels on 16-17 November.

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