News on the topic: death penalty

Human rights defenders on the death penalty: "Murder is not justice"

05.10.2015 Human rights defenders on the death penalty: "Murder is not justice"

October 5, the traditional Week against the Death Penalty begins. Its events will be held under the slogan “Murder Is Not Justice”. The cruelty and inhumanness of this kind of punishment are symbolized by the robe of a death convict, sent to the relatives of the executives instead of their personal belongings.

Schedule of Events during the Week Against the Death Penalty

05.10.2015 Schedule of Events during the Week Against the Death Penalty

Human Rights Week against the Death Penalty in Belarus this year is expanding its geography to the neighboring countries. From 5 to 10 October, a number of events will be held in Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

Andrei Paluda: It's time to introduce a moratorium on the death penalty in Belarus

25.09.2015 Andrei Paluda: It's time to introduce a moratorium on the death penalty in Belarus

On September 25, the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw hosted an exchange of views on the abolition of the death penalty.

Ales Bialiatski: death penalty is ineffective in crime prevention

10.09.2015 Ales Bialiatski: death penalty is ineffective in crime prevention

Ales Bialiatski is a former political prisoner, Chairman of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", who has served 2.5 years in the Babrujsk correctional colony. During his imprisonment he watched prisoners serving their sentences, including for murder.

Last country in Europe

05.08.2015 Last country in Europe

Independent Russian on-line magazine "7x7" has joined the International Day of Solidarity with civil society of Belarus, by covering the issue which remains valid for only our country in whole Europe – the death penalty.

Supreme Court turns down cassation appeal of death row convict

14.07.2015 Supreme Court turns down cassation appeal of death row convict

On July 14, the Supreme Court of Belarus considered the appeal of Rečyca resident Siarhei Ivanou. March 18, 2015 Ivanou was sentenced to death for a murder, committed with especial cruelty.

Media projects on death penalty become winners of festival "AD.NAK!"

06.07.2015 Media projects on death penalty become winners of festival "AD.NAK!"

July 2 in Minsk, the sixth festival of Belarusian-language festival of advertisement "AD.NAK!" named winners in different nominations and was one of the highlights of the summer.

Viktar Trattsiakou about “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” (video)

10.06.2015 Viktar Trattsiakou about “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” (video)

Producer of documentary movies Viktar Trattsiakou has recently finished another video clip, presenting the fifth argument against the death penalty.

Supreme Court to hear cassation appeal by death convict Siarhei Ivanou

28.05.2015 Supreme Court to hear cassation appeal by death convict Siarhei Ivanou

According to information received by the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, on July 14 the Supreme Court will consider the cassation appeal by Siarhei Ivanou, a resident of Rečyca, who was sentenced to death for a brutal murder.

Torture of death convict’s relatives: Fifth argument against the death penalty (video)

26.05.2015 Torture of death convict’s relatives: Fifth argument against the death penalty (video)

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has repeatedly said that the procedure of executing death verdicts in Belarus has signs of torture and inhuman treatment, both in relation to the executed person and his relatives.

Chairman of the village council considers  beautification of mass grave “inexpedient”

14.05.2015 Chairman of the village council considers beautification of mass grave “inexpedient”

Vitciebsk activists were invited to a meeting, which took place in the forest near the village of Hajsy. Excavated human remains are lying there in large pits. The activists have been demanding exhumation, examination and properly reburial of the unidentified persons for six months already.

Mikhail Hladki has another chance to get compensation for 5 years in prison

14.05.2015 Mikhail Hladki has another chance to get compensation for 5 years in prison

Mikhail Hladki filed a supervisory appeal to Chair of the Minsk regional Court. There he expresses disagreement with the rulings of the Minsk District and Minsk Regional Court by which he is denied material and moral compensation for wrongful conviction under Part 1 st.139 Criminal Code, "murder".

Exhibition "Six arguments against the death penalty" held in Mozyr

11.05.2015 Exhibition "Six arguments against the death penalty" held in Mozyr

The exhibition is being held at Mozyr center of advocates of changes and includes posters from the collection of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and paintings by Aleh Ablazhei.

UN Human Rights Committee: Belarus violates the right to life for the fourth time

06.05.2015 UN Human Rights Committee: Belarus violates the right to life for the fourth time

The UN Committee on Human Rights found a violation of the right to life of Aleh Hryshkautsou, convicted to death by the Hrodna regional court on May 14, 2010. This was reported to BelaPAN by the lawyer Raman Kisliak, who represented the complainant in this international body within the framework of the campaign "Human rights defenders against the death penalty".

Kitchen TV: Experience of Great Britain on the way to the full abolition of the death penalty

05.05.2015 Kitchen TV: Experience of Great Britain on the way to the full abolition of the death penalty

Belarusian state continues retaining and performing death penalty, remaining the only country on the post-Soviet space and in Europe where the death penalty is still used. At the same time, 50 years has passed since the last death execution in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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