News on the topic: human rights defenders

Stefanovich's complaints are still forwarded to Ministry of Defense

12.04.2012 Stefanovich's complaints are still forwarded to Ministry of Defense

On 11 March the vice-head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich was prevented from leaving for Lithuania. He was stopped by the Belarusian border guards at the crossing point "Kamenny Loh" and stated that he was prohibited to leave Belarus.

International human rights organization “Front Line” protests against unlawful punishment of human rights defender Valery Shchukin

03.04.2012 International human rights organization “Front Line” protests against unlawful punishment of human rights defender Valery Shchukin

On 30 March 2012, human rights defender Mr Valery Shchukin was condemned to an administrative fine in relation to a protest held on the previous day against the trial of political activists which was about to take place behind closed doors in Orsha.

General procuracy evades from reacting to appeal of blacklisted human rights activist

02.04.2012 General procuracy evades from reacting to appeal of blacklisted human rights activist

The General Procuracy forwarded the appeal of the deputy head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich concerning unlawful foreign travel restrictions to the Ministry of Defense. The human rights defender was informed about it by a letter on 28 March.

Valery Shchukin fined BYR 1,190,000

30.03.2012 Valery Shchukin fined BYR 1,190,000

Orsha court has found human rights defender Valery Shchukin guilty of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and fined him BYR 1,190,000.

Human rights defender Shchukin detained in Orsha

30.03.2012 Human rights defender Shchukin detained in Orsha

Human rights defender Valery Shchukin was detained by Orsha police in the court building where three key opposition leaders stood trial yesterday.

Valiantsin Stefanovich appeals foreign travel ban in court

22.03.2012 Valiantsin Stefanovich appeals foreign travel ban in court

Valiantsin Stefanovich has lodged a complaint with Minsk Tsentralny District Court against the travel ban imposed by the Belarusian Ministry of Defense.

Valiantsin Stefanovich banned from leaving Belarus for “draft evasion”

21.03.2012 Valiantsin Stefanovich banned from leaving Belarus for “draft evasion”

Valiantsin Stefanovich, deputy chair of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, was put on the notorious black list of foreign travel restrictions for alleged draft evasion, says a representative of a department on migration and citizenship in Minsk.

Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Human rights defenders banned from travelling abroad!

19.03.2012 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders: Human rights defenders banned from travelling abroad!

Paris-Geneva, March 16, 2012. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), deplores the series of travel bans imposed on a number of human rights defenders by the Belarusian authorities, amid the worsening of EU-Belarus diplomatic relations.

Front Line Defenders urges Belarus authorities to lift travel ban on human rights defenders

16.03.2012 Front Line Defenders urges Belarus authorities to lift travel ban on human rights defenders

Over the past number of days, in a flagrant denial of their right to freedom of movement, several Belarusian human rights defenders have been stopped by border guards while they were leaving Belarus, along with numerous political activists and journalists.

UN Human Rights Committee registers complaint by Barysau picketer

16.03.2012 UN Human Rights Committee registers complaint by Barysau picketer

Barysau human rights defender Aleh Matskevich has received a reply from the UN Human Rights Committee saying that his complaint against several picket bans imposed by the town authorities has been registered by the Committee.

16.03.2012 Human rights mission calls on Belarusian authorities to provide explanations regarding foreign travel ban list

The Observation Mission of the International Committee for Monitoring the Human Rights Situation in Belarus has called on the Belarusian authorities to provide explanations regarding their list of dissidents banned from foreign trips.

Human rights defenders stand for immediate introduction of a moratorium on the death penalty in Belarus

15.03.2012 Human rights defenders stand for immediate introduction of a moratorium on the death penalty in Belarus

On 14 March 2012 Belarusian mass media published the information that Aliaksandr Lukashenka refused to pardon Uladzislau Kavaliou and Dzmitry Kanavalau.

15.03.2012 Human rights defender Aleh Volchak cannot get his passport

As BelaPAN news agency learned from human rights activist Aleh Volchak, he filed a complaint to the prosecutor's office of the Tsentralny district of Minsk informing that policemen refuse to give back his passport.

15.03.2012 More victims of foreign travel restrictions

Zhanna Litvina, Mikhail Yanchuk and Andrei Bandarenka were not allowed to leave Belarus.

Black list in action: Valiantsin Stefanovich not let abroad

12.03.2012 Black list in action: Valiantsin Stefanovich not let abroad

On 11 March the deputy head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich didn't manage to come to Lithuania. He was stopped by border guards at the crossing point "Kamenny Loh" and told that foreign travel restrictions were applied towards him.

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