News on the topic: human rights defenders

Miklos Haraszti’s report on Belarus presented and discussed at the UN General Assembly in New York

30.10.2013 Miklos Haraszti’s report on Belarus presented and discussed at the UN General Assembly in New York

On October 28, the UN General Assembly in New York hosted a presentation and interactive dialogue of national delegations on the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Miklos Haraszti.

Ales Bialiatski may receive Lithuanian Freedom Prize

29.10.2013 Ales Bialiatski may receive Lithuanian Freedom Prize

Lithuanian civil society activists are discussing the possibility of awarding the Belarusian political prisoner, human rights defender Ales Bialiatski the Freedom Prize. This is reported by the Lithuanian media, in particular

28.10.2013 Belarusian human rights defenders urge UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to establish office in Minsk

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) should establish a mission in Belarus, the delegates to the Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum, which took place in Vilnius on Saturday and Sunday, say in a statement.

28.10.2013 Many Belarusians have stereotypes about human rights defenders, survey suggests

Many Belarusians have negative stereotypes about human rights defenders as a result of government propaganda, Aleh Hulak, head of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, said at the Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum in Vilnius on October 26.

Results of the Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum. Valiantsin Stefanovich’s speech at the event.

28.10.2013 Results of the Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum. Valiantsin Stefanovich’s speech at the event.

In his speech at the Forum on October 26, deputy head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" spoke about the human rights developments in Belarus since the previous Forum in 2010.

27.10.2013 Over 110 activists taking part in Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum

More than 110 activists representing 25 organizations gathered in Vilnius for the Third Belarusian Human Rights Forum that opened on October 26.

Homel human rights defender Anatol Paplauny loses job

25.10.2013 Homel human rights defender Anatol Paplauny loses job

Homel human rights defender Anatol Paplauny will be fired from work “in connection with the termination of the employment contract,” which was signed by the employee a year ago. He has worked as a toolmaker at a private enterprise called “Vipra” for five years, and he has not received any penalties during the period, which is noted in the statement of resignation. “Thank you for your diligent work,” writes the company’s manager Ihar Shchyhelski.

MFA avoids direct answer to human rights defender’s petition in case of death convict Pavel Sialiun

24.10.2013 MFA avoids direct answer to human rights defender’s petition in case of death convict Pavel Sialiun

Coordinator of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus" Andrei Paluda received a response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to his letter, in which the human rights activist informed the MFA of the registration in the UN Human Rights Committee of an individual complaint by Pavel Sialiun, sentenced to death earlier this year.

Mahiliou court supports street events restrictions

23.10.2013 Mahiliou court supports street events restrictions

On October 22, the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou chaired by Judge Valiantsina Lapatsina considered a complaint filed by local human rights defenders Barys Bukhel and Aliaksei Kolchyn to challenge a decision of the city executive committee "On Mass Events in the city of Mahiliou".

Sicily hears truth about human rights in Belarus

22.10.2013 Sicily hears truth about human rights in Belarus

Lawyer Pavel Sapelka, Ales Bialiatski’s wife Natallia Pinchuk and Amnesty International’s expert on Belarus Heather McGill met with human rights activists and the media in Italy.

Vilnius to host 3rd Belarusian Human Rights Forum on October 26-27

21.10.2013 Vilnius to host 3rd Belarusian Human Rights Forum on October 26-27

The 3rd Belarusian Human Rights Forum will be held on 26-27 October, 2013 in Vilnius. The Forum will bring together representatives of the Belarusian human rights organizations, as well as international and foreign human rights groups.

Uladzimir Labkovich insists on penalty for judge

21.10.2013 Uladzimir Labkovich insists on penalty for judge

Uladzimir Labkovich, member of the Board of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", filed on October 18 a complaint to the Minsk City Court against the decision of Savetski District Court. The human rights defender disagrees with the penalty he was punished with for the dissemination of information materials about the head of the organization and political prisoner Ales Bialiatski.

Congratulations on the birth of twins for Uladzimir Labkovich!

16.10.2013 Congratulations on the birth of twins for Uladzimir Labkovich!

Viasna activists sincerely congratulate our colleague, member of the Board of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Uladzimir Labkovich on the birth of twins! On October 16, Uladzimir became the father of two wonderful boys.

Ales Bialiatski continues his literary work in jail

11.10.2013 Ales Bialiatski continues his literary work in jail

A book of memoirs and socio-political articles by the head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, political prisoner Ales Bialiatski, is being prepared to publication. The bulk of the book was written by him in jail.

Sakharov Prize awarded to Pakistani girl injured by Taliban militants

11.10.2013 Sakharov Prize awarded to Pakistani girl injured by Taliban militants

Malala Yusufzai, a 16-year-old Pakistani human rights activist, wounded by Taliban militants, has been awarded Sakharov Prize for 2013.

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