News on the topic: human rights defenders

Ales Bialiatski: Authorities are trying to beat journalists and human rights activists out of the electoral process

16.03.2015 Ales Bialiatski: Authorities are trying to beat journalists and human rights activists out of the electoral process

The head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" commented on the recent facts of the persecution of journalists and human rights defenders in Mahiliou at his public Facebook page.

Apartment of Mahiliou journalist Ihar Barysau and the office of Mahiliou “Viasna” branch searched by police

12.03.2015 Apartment of Mahiliou journalist Ihar Barysau and the office of Mahiliou “Viasna” branch searched by police

The police have searched the apartment of a Mahiliou journalist, deputy chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), Ihar Barysau.

Elections come nearer. Haunting of human rights activists has started

12.03.2015 Elections come nearer. Haunting of human rights activists has started

Mahiliou Human Rights Centre , the only registered regional human rights organization in Belarus, faces liquidation.

First hearing on liquidation of Mahiliou Human Rights Centre

12.03.2015 First hearing on liquidation of Mahiliou Human Rights Centre

March 10, judicial board for civil cases of the Mahiliou Regional Court started considering the claim of the Main Justice Board of the Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee on the liquidation of the public association "Mahiliou Human Rights Centre".

At the trial in the case of Intigam Aliyev journalists are insulted

11.03.2015 At the trial in the case of Intigam Aliyev journalists are insulted

On March 10 the Baku Serious Crimes Court continued the trial in the case of human rights defender Intigam Aliyev. At the of the trial a lawyer Fakhraddin Mehdiyev petitioned about changing preventive measure and release of Aliyev from custody on bail of human rights groups and members of the public.

Human rights activist asks to be explained the new regulation on mass events

10.03.2015 Human rights activist asks to be explained the new regulation on mass events

Siarhei Housha, a human rights activist from Baranavichy, appealed to Baranavichy City Executive Committee, asking to explain certain aspects of the new regulation “On mass events in in the city of Baranavichy” from December 29, 2014.

Tax inspectors demand that Mikalai Autukhovich pay the insurance fees for the time of his imprisonment

10.03.2015 Tax inspectors demand that Mikalai Autukhovich pay the insurance fees for the time of his imprisonment

Businessman and former political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich is forced to pay compulsory insurance fees to the Social Protection Fund for the time that he was kept in prison. The tax inspectors claim that their actions are legal.

Biaroza: protesting against Russian military bases in Belarus are "inciting of hatred and extremism"

09.03.2015 Biaroza: protesting against Russian military bases in Belarus are "inciting of hatred and extremism"

Biaroza District Executive Committee prohibited Biaroza human rights defenders and social activists to hold a picket on March 9.

On Rasul Jafarov’s Trial Witnesses Testify in His Favor

06.03.2015 On Rasul Jafarov’s Trial Witnesses Testify in His Favor

At the trial of the human rights activist Rasul Jafarov in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes the testimony of witnesses continued today.

Siarhei Housha's cassation appeal to be considered March 19

06.03.2015 Siarhei Housha's cassation appeal to be considered March 19

As follows from a letter, signed by Judge Volha Apanovich, the cassation appeal of the Baranavichy human rights activist S. Housha concerning the prohibition of a picket on Human Rights Day will be considered by the judicial board on civil cases of Brest Regional Court on March 19 at 11 a.m.

Death penalty in theory and practice. Comments to the National Report

06.03.2015 Death penalty in theory and practice. Comments to the National Report

The National Report for the Universal Periodic Review (second cycle), prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been published.

Ales Bialiatski: human rights are universal

06.03.2015 Ales Bialiatski: human rights are universal

On March 5, after speaking at the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva Ales Bialiatski further commented to Human Rights Center "Viasna" about the topics he touched in his three-minute report.

Procedural protection of the rights of detainees in custody

05.03.2015 Procedural protection of the rights of detainees in custody

The National Report for the Universal Periodic Review (second cycle), prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been published.

Ales Bialiatski to speak at a session of the UN Human Rights Council

04.03.2015 Ales Bialiatski to speak at a session of the UN Human Rights Council

Ales Bialiatski, vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights, chairman the Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, closed by the Belarusian authorities, will take the floor at the 28th session of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, which runs March 2-27 in Geneva.

Prisoners' rights and the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights

04.03.2015 Prisoners' rights and the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights

The National Report for the Universal Periodic Review (second cycle), prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been published.

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