News on the topic: human rights defenders

Human Rights Humanitarian Mission launched in Kharkiv

05.06.2015 Human Rights Humanitarian Mission launched in Kharkiv

June 4, Human Rights Humanitarian Mission started its work in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Homieĺ: human rights activist asks to recognize him a victim in criminal case

04.06.2015 Homieĺ: human rights activist asks to recognize him a victim in criminal case

June 13, there expires the two-month term since the instigation of the criminal case concerning the fact of sending pornographic materials to the Belarusian state agencies from the hacked e-mail account of the human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka,

Statement of Freedom House concerning assault on HR organizations in Grozny, Chechnya

04.06.2015 Statement of Freedom House concerning assault on HR organizations in Grozny, Chechnya

“The second attack in six months on Grozny office of the Committee Against Torture and destruction of property shows the Russian government to be either complicit in violence against human rights groups, or unable to ensure their protection,” said Susan Corke, director of Eurasia programs.

Baranavičy: Yadviha Rubtsova visits her husband in prison

04.06.2015 Baranavičy: Yadviha Rubtsova visits her husband in prison

June 3 Yadviha Rubtsova, wife of political prisoner Yury Rubtsou, visited her husband, who is currently held in jail No.6 in Baranavičy. This is the first meeting of Mrs. Jadviha and her husband after the trial, which declared Yury Rubtsou guilty of evasion of serving punishment of restraint of liberty (Art. 415 of the Criminal Code), and punished him with two years of medium security colony, taking into account the unserved term of punishment.

Viciebsk: Department of Justice rejects candidacy of human rights defender for Monitoring Commission

04.06.2015 Viciebsk: Department of Justice rejects candidacy of human rights defender for Monitoring Commission

Human rights activist Pavel Levinau has been nominated to the Viciebsk Regional Public Monitoring Commission by Belarusian Helsinki Committee. The corresponding letter with the request to approve the candidacy of the representative of the BHC was sent to the justice department of the regional executive committee. However, the request was not satisfied.

Attack on human rights organizations in Grozny

03.06.2015 Attack on human rights organizations in Grozny

In Grozny, May 3, unidentified persons destroyed the office of the human rights organization "Committee against Torture". The office staff managed to escape through the window.

Prosecutor General's Office: “You were forcibly taken to the psychiatric hospital, but the subsequent treatment was carried out on your agreement”

03.06.2015 Prosecutor General's Office: “You were forcibly taken to the psychiatric hospital, but the subsequent treatment was carried out on your agreement”

Valiantsin Kavalchuk, who lives in the village of Vialiakaja Hać, has been trying to appeal the actions of the local medics and police, who had forcedly and illegally sent him to the Mahilioŭ psychiatric hospital in October 2013.

Human rights activists launch a humanitarian mission in Ukraine

03.06.2015 Human rights activists launch a humanitarian mission in Ukraine

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" initiated a humanitarian mission in Ukraine. Its main goal is to help Ukrainian immigrants from the conflict zone, 100,000 of whom are living in Kharkiv alone.

Baranavičy activists challenge picket ban at Supreme Court

02.06.2015 Baranavičy activists challenge picket ban at Supreme Court

Human rights activist Siarhei Housha has filed a supervisory appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision of the Baranavičy City and District Court of january 27, 2015 and the determination of the Judicial Board on Civil Cases of the Brest Regional Court of March 19, 2015.

Will Supreme Court help make open "open trials " in penal colonies?

02.06.2015 Will Supreme Court help make open "open trials " in penal colonies?

Lawyer Pavel Sapelka asks the Supreme Court of Belarus to clarify the procedure of citizens' access to offsite hearings held in penitentiary institutions.

Trial of Mikhail Zhamchuzhny starts behind closed doors

01.06.2015 Trial of Mikhail Zhamchuzhny starts behind closed doors

June 1 at 10 a.m., the trial of the organizers of the organization “Platform Innovation” Mikhail Zhamchuzhny has started behind the closed doors. The fact that the trial will be closed was known long ago, though there was almost no official information about the case, as Mr. Zhamchuzhny wrote about it in his letters to like-minded persons and human rights activists.

Human rights activist urges border officials to return seized laptop

29.05.2015 Human rights activist urges border officials to return seized laptop

Human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka has complained to the Chairman of the Customs Committee Yury Sianko urging him to return the laptop seized from the activist at the border checkpoint Kamenny Loh on May 24. The human rights activist also complains about the systematic violation of his rights by the Ašmiany customs.

Border guards seize laptop from human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka

25.05.2015 Border guards seize laptop from human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka

Belarusian border guards searched human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka as he was returning from Lithuania last evening. As a result, they took several data storage devices and a laptop.

Restrictions on street protests in Viciebsk violate international human rights standards

21.05.2015 Restrictions on street protests in Viciebsk violate international human rights standards

In March, human rights activist Pavel Levinau wrote to the General Directorate of Justice of the Viciebsk Regional Executive Committee to protest against decision No. 881 of the Viciebsk City Executive Committee “On mass events in the city of Viciebsk”. A month later he received an answer: the decision is fully consistent with the Constitution and international treaties.

Ales Bialiatski urges EU to comply with clear value-based criteria in relations with regimes of Belarus and Azerbaijan (VIDEO)

20.05.2015 Ales Bialiatski urges EU to comply with clear value-based criteria in relations with regimes of Belarus and Azerbaijan (VIDEO)

On May 20, Ales Bialiatski, head of the HRC "Viasna" and Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights, spoke at the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference in Riga.

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