News on the topic: human rights defenders

Political prisoner Ales Kaputski released after 60 days of arrest

17.02.2022 Political prisoner Ales Kaputski released after 60 days of arrest

The authorities have repeatedly used repeated sentencing against him for the purpose of politically motivated pressure

Viasna resources added to republican list of extremist materials

14.02.2022 Viasna resources added to republican list of extremist materials

Earlier, a Telegram channel of Viasna and its pages on social networks were recognized as “extremist”

OMCT-FIDH: New amendment to the Criminal Code leaves no room for legal human rights activities

02.02.2022 OMCT-FIDH: New amendment to the Criminal Code leaves no room for legal human rights activities

Statement of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Viasna chairman Ales Bialiatski remains behind the bars

28.01.2022 Viasna chairman Ales Bialiatski remains behind the bars

The court did not grant his appeal against the extension of the detention term

Ales Kaputski sentenced to another 15 days of administrative imprisonment

18.01.2022 Ales Kaputski sentenced to another 15 days of administrative imprisonment

The human rights defender was supposed to be released on January 16, 2021, but was again sentenced to 15 days of arrest.

Six months in jail. What is known about three detained Viasna members

14.01.2022 Six months in jail. What is known about three detained Viasna members

What relatives say about the detained Viasna members, how they met the New Year without their loved ones, and what the human rights defenders write in their letters–in our story.

Verdict to human right defenders of Viasna’s branch in Homiel unchanged

14.01.2022 Verdict to human right defenders of Viasna’s branch in Homiel unchanged

The judge ruled that the verdict to Leanid Sudalenka and Tatsiana Lasitsa was fair

Authorities to re-impose criminal charges for unregistered organizations and administrative liability for raising money for fines

11.01.2022 Authorities to re-impose criminal charges for unregistered organizations and administrative liability for raising money for fines

Viasna lawyer: This norm is aimed at restricting the rights and freedoms

Marfa Rabkova about the Human Rights Defender of the Year award: "Please, pass on my great thanks for the honor of being given such a distinguished title"

11.01.2022 Marfa Rabkova about the Human Rights Defender of the Year award: "Please, pass on my great thanks for the honor of being given such a distinguished title"

In her letter to Nasta Loika, a human rights activist from Human Constanta, Marfa Rabkova, the coordinator of Viasna volunteers, describes how she celebrated the New Year, writes about the progress of her criminal case, her health status, and daily life, and shares her impressions of receiving the national Human Rights Defender of the Year award.

Happy birthday, Marfa!

06.01.2022 Happy birthday, Marfa!

Today Marfa Rabkova, coordinator of Viasna's network of volunteers, turns 27. This is her second birthday in a row, which Marfa has to spend behind bars.

Dream of ballet, a well-fed cat challenge, and gender-sensitive language in pre-trial detention center. Curious things to know about Marfa Rabkova

06.01.2022 Dream of ballet, a well-fed cat challenge, and gender-sensitive language in pre-trial detention center. Curious things to know about Marfa Rabkova

On January 6, Marfa Rabkova, a political prisoner and Viasna human rights defender, turns 27. This is the second time in a row she has celebrated her birthday in pre-trial detention center.

 “Viasna” telegram channel and social networks recognized as “extremist”

30.12.2021  “Viasna” telegram channel and social networks recognized as “extremist”

On December 30, 2021, the court of the Čychunačny District Court of Homieĺ recognized the content of “Viasna” telegram channel and social networks as “extremist materials”.

#FreeViasna: Weekly news digest on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

27.12.2021 #FreeViasna: Weekly news digest on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

The latest news about the imprisoned "Viasna" members

Ukrainian human rights defenders supported their imprisoned colleagues from Belarus

21.12.2021 Ukrainian human rights defenders supported their imprisoned colleagues from Belarus

On the International Human Solidarity Day, participants of the training "International Humanitarian Law" wrote cards to political prisoners in Belarus.

#FreeViasna: Weekly news digest on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

21.12.2021 #FreeViasna: Weekly news digest on Viasna’s imprisoned human rights defenders

Weekly update on imprisoned "Viasna" members

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