News on the topic: human rights defenders

Human rights defenders Pay attention to use of torture in Belarus

05.11.2010 Human rights defenders Pay attention to use of torture in Belarus

A group of human rights defenders from different Belarusian human rights organizations prepared an alternative report to the UN Committee against Torture. The report concerns the international undertakings of Belarus according to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Kinds of Treatment and Punishment. This is the first alternative report on torture that will be presented to the UN in December and will be considered by the Committee against Torture as early as spring 2011.

Ales Bialiatski addressed Presidential Administration and Prosecutor General

02.11.2010 Ales Bialiatski addressed Presidential Administration and Prosecutor General

The vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Ales Bialiatski addressed the Prosecutor General of Belarus, Ryhor Vasilevich, and the Presidential Administration of Belarus.

14.10.2010 Salihorsk: human rights defenders obtained a copy of ‘Plan of organizational ideological provision of the election of President of the Republic of Belarus on 19 December 2010 on the territory of the Salihorsk district’

The document was signed on 23 September by the Chairperson of the Salihorsk District Executive Committee A Rymasheuski, the head of the organizational and personnel department V.Kokhan and the Deputy Chairperson on ideology, T.Subotsina.

UN Human Rights Committee to consider individual communication about violation of right to peaceful assemblies by Belarusian authorities

13.10.2010 UN Human Rights Committee to consider individual communication about violation of right to peaceful assemblies by Belarusian authorities

The UN Human Rights Committee has registered the individual communication of the Smaliavichy civil activist Yauhen Puhach concerning the violation of his right to peaceful assemblies and freedom of expression by the local authorities. The official Minsk has six months to submit to the Committee its commentaries on this case.

Baranavichy: human rights defenders file proposals to Central Election Commission

13.10.2010 Baranavichy: human rights defenders file proposals to Central Election Commission

On 13 October the Baranavichy human rights defenders Siarhei Housha and Karnei Piatrovich addressed the Central Election Commission with a proposal. The matter is that two members of the Baranavichy City Territorial Election Commission, Leanid Chukho and Larysa Antonava, are members of the electoral team of Aliaksandr Lukashenka. Larysa Antonava is a proxy of the deputy of the Chamber of Representatives Sviatlana Pishch. Her candidacy was nominated for the election commission by the trade union of workers of state institutions. She also used to head the ideological department of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee. Leanid Chukho is a retired military officer who was nominated to the commission by the Belarusian Union of Military Officers. The both of them had worked at election commissions during previous elections.

Brest Regional Court turns down complaint of 'Brestskaya Viasna'

13.10.2010 Brest Regional Court turns down complaint of 'Brestskaya Viasna'

On 12 October the Brest Regional Court left standing the verdict of the Brest City Court supporting the non-registration of the Brest regional human rights organization Brestskaya Viasna by the justice bureau of the Brest Regional Executive Committee.

Siarhei Ustsinau: conditions in Belarusian pre-trial prisons are equaled to torture

12.10.2010 Siarhei Ustsinau: conditions in Belarusian pre-trial prisons are equaled to torture

The human rights defender Siarhei Ustsinau stated that the suspect in an attack on the delinquents’ isolation center in Akrestsin Street who had spent 9 days in the pre-trial prison applied to the procuracy with a complaint in connection with improper conditions of detention.

Universal Day against Death Penalty marked all over Belarus

12.10.2010 Universal Day against Death Penalty marked all over Belarus

Activists of the campaign Human Rights Defenders against Death Penalty held a number of informational actions for the abolishment of the death penalty on 10 October, the Universal Day against the Death Penalty, and before it. Belarus remains the only European country that continues using this inhuman kind of punishment.

Police detain circulation of 'Vitebskiy Kurier' with interviews of potential candidates for presidency

11.10.2010 Police detain circulation of 'Vitebskiy Kurier' with interviews of potential candidates for presidency

The circulation of the newspaper was detained while its chief editor, Viktar Ramniou, transported it from the Russian town of Slolensk, where it is printed. The edition was registered in the Russian Federation, as the local authorities made it impossible to register it in Vitsebsk.

Baranavichy Town Executive Committee refuses to provide information about places of work of members of election commissions

07.10.2010 Baranavichy Town Executive Committee refuses to provide information about places of work of members of election commissions

On 1 October the the Baranavichy human rights defenders Sarhei Housha and Karnei Piatrovich applied to the Deputy Chairperson of the Baranavichy Town Executive Committee Dz. Kastsiukevich with the request to provide them with information about the place of work of each member of the Baranavichy Town Election Commission, because state officials cannot constitute more than 1/3 of a territorial election commission, and the implementation of this legal norm couldn’t be verified without such information.

07.10.2010 Information about tortures in Belarus became world-known

The use of tortures in Belarus was discussed at the OSCE Conference on Human Dimension that is held on 30 September -8 October in Warsaw. A representative of the Belarusian human rights organization Legal Initiative Siarhei Ustsinau took the floor and reported about the use of torture during the investigation of crimes, persecution of the people who reported about torture; violent dispersals of peaceful protest actions and the prison conditions.

Salihorsk authorities beat a retreat: signatures can be collected in more places

06.10.2010 Salihorsk authorities beat a retreat: signatures can be collected in more places

Following the hard criticism of the local human rights defenders the Salihorsk District Executive Committee introduced changes to its previous ruling that determined the places where it was banned to hold electoral pickets.

Activists campaigning for abolition of death penalty in Belarus detained on Lithuanian border

05.10.2010 Activists campaigning for abolition of death penalty in Belarus detained on Lithuanian border

On 5 October the activists of the campaign Human Rights Defenders against Death Penalty Palina Stsepanenka and Iryna Toustsik were detained at the border point Kamenny Loh. The Belarusian customs officer set them down from the bus Vilnius-Minsk by which they were returning home from Vilnius.

Malaryta: human rights activists agitate against death penalty during Town Day and 'Dazhynki' festival

05.10.2010 Malaryta: human rights activists agitate against death penalty during Town Day and 'Dazhynki' festival

Human rights defenders held an action against the death penalty in Belarus during the Town Day and the Dazhynki festival in Malaryta.

27.09.2010 Human rights situation in Belarus is unacceptably poor and calls for systemic measures, HR Forum participants say

On 22-25 September, Vilnius hosted a series of events, with a social focus on the human rights situation in Belarus and the activities of human rights activists. On 22-23 September, the Human Rights House Network held its annual meeting, attended by over 60 human rights defenders from 17 countries. The participants of the meeting addressed the Belarusian President Aliaksandr Lukashenka with an appeal, calling him to take urgent measures to improve the country’s human rights record.

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