News on the topic: arrest

06.05.2013 Journalists Barbarych and Yarashevich appeal court verdicts

The independent journalists informed the Belarusian Association of Journalists about filing appeals against their arrest with Minsk City Court.

06.05.2013 Hrodna: BCD activist to be tried for "Wave of Solidarity"

On 3 May Syarhey Verameyenka, Hrodna member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, was summonsed to a district police department and questioned in connection with his detention by people in mufti at the "Wave of Solidarity" action on 12 March.

Yan Melnikau to spend all Easter holidays in jail

03.05.2013 Yan Melnikau to spend all Easter holidays in jail

"For Freedom" activist Yan Melnikau was detained by police in the evening of 2 May. He was holding a streamer "Anarchism is not a crime. Ihar Trukhanovich is not a criminal" in Gorky Park in Minsk.

Minsk court convicts participants of Chernobyl Way march, journalists

29.04.2013 Minsk court convicts participants of Chernobyl Way march, journalists

Minsk Savetski District Court heard today administrative charges brought against six persons detained during and following Chernobyl Way memorial demonstration on Friday, including two journalists of Radio Racyja Henadz Barbarych and Aliaksandr Yarashevich, as well as human rights defender Viachaslau Dashkevich.

24.04.2013 Uladzimir Yaromenak receives 15 days in jail in absentia

The Young Front activist Uladzimir Yaromenak received yesterday a phone call from a police inspector who offered to come to the police station, explaining that the guy had 15 days more day of jail to serve, the Young Front’s press-service reports.

Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 12 days of arrest

23.04.2013 Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 12 days of arrest

Pavel Vinahradau, activist of the Zmena youth wing of the Tell the Truth civil campaign, was sentenced this morning to 12 days of administrative arrest at the Court of Minsk Tsentralny district.

Minsk City Court turns down appeal by Ukrainian activists

16.04.2013 Minsk City Court turns down appeal by Ukrainian activists

Minsk City Court dismissed today an appeal lodged by Mrs. Yulia Hryshchuk and Mrs. Yulia Slivinskaya, both citizens of Ukraine, who were detained by the police during the 24 March Freedom Day demonstration. The girls were then charged with resisting arrest and eventually sentenced to one day of administrative arrest each.

15.04.2013 Henik Loika's victory

After the protest action held by architect Henik Loika near Minsk gymnasium #4, the educational establishment was prescribed to return to the Belarusian language of instruction.

Detained Ukrainians made a video report about their trip to Belarus

02.04.2013 Detained Ukrainians made a video report about their trip to Belarus

The members of the Ukrainian organization "National Alliance", detained after the Freedom Day action in Minsk, uploaded to the Internet a video report about their journey to Belarus and return home after the detention.

Freedom Day in Vitsebsk: detentions, trials, arrests, fines

26.03.2013 Freedom Day in Vitsebsk: detentions, trials, arrests, fines

BPF activist Kanstantsin Smolikau and Leanid Autukhou stood trial that lasted for 9 hours. Judge Ina Hrabouskaya pronounced her verdict at about 9 p.m. yesterday: she ruled to punish the two activists with 5 days of arrest each for alleged violation of the legislation on mass rallies. In addition, four activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy and head of the BPF’s city office Aliaksandr Kuzniatsou were detained on their way to the court. The latter was eventually sentenced to a fine for an alleged traffic violation.

“Young Front” activist Uladzimir Yaromenak gets three more days of arrest

20.03.2013 “Young Front” activist Uladzimir Yaromenak gets three more days of arrest

The court of Minsk Pershamaiski District reconsidered today the case of the activist of “Young Front” Uladzimir Yaromenak, who was previously sentenced to an arrest for violation of preventive supervision. Disagreeing with the previous sentence (12 days in jail), Yaromenak appealed it at Minsk City Court.

Prisoner cut his veins while serving arrest term in Akrestsin Street

12.03.2013 Prisoner cut his veins while serving arrest term in Akrestsin Street

On 9 March Andrei Ch. who was serving an administrative arrest term at the delinquents' isolation center in Akrestsin Street, cut his veins, demanding medical assistance.

Three days in jail as a congratulation on Women's Day

11.03.2013 Three days in jail as a congratulation on Women's Day

On 8 March at 2.35 p.m., "European Belarus" activist Valiantsina Tsiurava was detained by the guards of Kamarouski market, who then passed her to police.

"Fair World" member Valery Rybchanka appeals to the UN against actions of Zhlobin police

07.03.2013 "Fair World" member Valery Rybchanka appeals to the UN against actions of Zhlobin police

Valery Rybchanka, a member of the "Fair World" party, filed an appeal with the UN Human Rights Committee against the refusal of Zhlobin District Court to admit perjury on the part of the local police during the trials over him in 2011.

06.03.2013 Minsk City Court upholds 5-day arrest to Henik Loika

Minsk City Court considered the appeal of sculptor Henik Loika against the verdict of Liudmila Lapo, Judge of Frinzenski District Court of Minsk. Let us remind that Mr. Loika had been punished with 5 days of arrest for an action in support of the Belarusian language held by him on the International Mother Language Day, 21 February. The formal reason for the verdict was that he had unfurled a banner with the inscription "Let me congratulate you on the International Mother Language Day! Gymnasium #4 used to be the last Belarusian-language school!"

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